6th Grade Time Warp

  • When:08/25/14
  • QIC: Simba
  • The PAX: Big Top, Ralphie, Volker, Winterplace, Clunken, Big Pappi, Pele, Big Tuna (FNG- Tim Key), Dunder, Huggie Bear, Spinner, Strange brew, Geraldo, Winnie the Passport, Marvel, Swanson, Smash, Tawny, Insomniac, Steinbrenner, Simba

6th Grade Time Warp

21 students, including one newly enrolled FNG met in the gloom of South Charlotte Middle School for the Base Camp “Back to School Special”.

This is how things went down:

First Call 20 Side Shuffle Hop. Wait, that’s not what they are called.  Yep, they noticed, they are commenting, they are laughing this is starting off a lot like my 6th grade year.  Abandon the name, perform flawless cadence and recover.

Second call: Merkins, Civilian count.  I call down you count on the way up.  Going up to 20, but at 17 the thought occurs to me, wait how do you tell them when you are done with a civilian count.  Well the answer is you just tell them, but I decide for a nice long pause after 19. I think they get the point.  Oh no, they are laughing again, but I am pretty sure they are laughing with me, I am pretty sure they will elect me class president.  Nope, they are laughing at me, 6th grade flashback again.  It could have been my imagination, but I think I immediately broke out with pimples and I could have sworn I was wearing braces and headgear.

Finish the warm up strong with 20 IW’s.  Focus, look down the whole time, don’t make eye contact with any jocks, if I screw this one up I could be facing a wedgie.  Whew, finished without failure or ridicule.

Bell rings, Warm up finished, on to the next period.

Mosey past the bathrooms and grab a rock from beside the stairs.  It’s time for a field trip.  Run through parking lot making a left onto Strawberry.  Bus Stop, put on flashers, Pause in the street and do 25 curls.  When I look up I wonder if I am seeing things, it appears some of the other men have turned into the 6th grade versions of themselves, Big top is still 6’4’’ but only weighs 145 pounds, and he is carrying a boulder! Shake it off,  Let’s run again.

Run to the childcare parking lot for another Bus Stop, circle up, flutter while pressing the rock x 25. By this time all men have transformed into the 6th grade versions of themselves.  Voices were cracking, rocks seemed even heavier, And we’re off.

21 6th grade boys, toting rocks, crossing the street here comes a car, but hey we’re 6th grade boys, we are invincible.  Cross in front of the car loping like lanky antelopes. Make a right on 51 and spread out on the hill.

7’s on the hill. Curls with rock at bottom of hill, drop rock, Jump squats at top of hill.

Plankorama led by Geraldo.  One of his calls was Right hand back pocket, which I was thankful for because it allowed me to check for my lunch money.  It’s missing.  Who did it?  Steinbrenner?  I bet it was him.  He thinks he is so cool.  I am going to call him out and meet him in the parking lot after 8th period.

Repeato, Hill 7’s again with, Triceps at bottom and Merkins at top.


Once everyone is done, run back and return the rocks.  No one is allowed to roam the halls alone, so run with a buddy and once you drop yours off run back and bring in the 6.

Circle up in the parking lot around the mysterious card table that was set up before most arrived.  It’s go time, Steinbrenner stole my lunch money and there must be vindication.  This means war…war inspired by Jimmy Fallon.  Two guys step up to the table.  Each has a deck of cards and there is a cup of water in the middle of the table.  On three, each guy flips a card over, guy with the highest card grabs the cup and throws it in the other guy’s face.  Then we all run to the light post and do an exercise with the number of reps on the winning card.  At this point my 6th grade self is wondering…Will they do it?  Do they like me?  Will I forever be a social outcast?  I step up with Insomniac.  I win with a face card, Insomniac gets soaked, to the light post for 15 Merkins.  We did this many times, maybe 1-2 were too cool for school (Refusnik).  Here is what I can remember.





Mountain climbers




Last round, winner had an ace.  YHC call is 21 Burpees, and 5 Burpees in the thought occurs, this is Base Camp, We are 6th grade boys, I wonder if this is too much, I wonder if guys are falling out, I think I saw one of the boys shell shocked crawling across the parking lot and another laying still, he was either playing possum or was actually dead, better call an audible.  Sub Merkins for last 10 Burpees.


When finished go grab some wall.

30 seconds in the people’s chair.

Next 1 min in the people’s chair. Well… it was intended to be 1 min on.  But one rowdy student (Strange Brew) tried to take over the classroom, made many suggestions, he was assigned a 10 count, which was much more like a 40 count.

Plank it up.   YHC thinks…Is it right hand high or right arm high, combine the two for a new vocab word, Right Harm high.  Thanks for calling me out Geraldo.  No time for more war.

Back to the wall for 1 min with arms out front.

Then we ended the school day with a fire drill. Circle up, shoulder to shoulder in the plank position for Ring of Fire.  One guy gets up runs around circle, when he gets back the next guy goes.   Half way through we realize that school is almost over, so we start sending them like Noah did, 2×2.  Finished right on time.  Nailed it. COT.

After Strange Brew’s strong prayer to take us out, including prayers for all the kids going back to school, 21 6th grade boys climbed behind the wheel and dispersed throughout Charlotte.



-Most of the chatter seemed to be coming from Passport and Strange Brew. Thanks for the laughs for my first full Q!

-Thanks to all the guys for playing along with the “War” and special thanks to those who got doused with cups of water.  That was inspired by Jimmy Fallon, you can view the original here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI2EfnJAr1E

-I am pretty sure Spinner got a nasal rinse on his War loss.

-Steinbrenner was showing some wheels on the way back with the rock.

-FNG Tim Key, named Big Tuna because he likes deep sea fishing and I like the Office.


Strong work out there today guys.  Until next time.





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Simba author

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Big Top
Big Top
10 years ago

Big fun out there today Big Cat. Enjoyed the beat down – good workout and it was fun, good combo!

Big Top
Big Top
Reply to  Simba
10 years ago

By the time we got to the hill I was regretting my choice. Thankfully Insomniac asked to swap on the way back. It might have been my pained expression or his shame, you choose.

10 years ago

Hate that I missed this one. This whole “grab a rock” thing is intriguing.

Big Top
Big Top
Reply to  Simba
10 years ago


10 years ago

Brilliant backblast Simba! One of the best in a very long time. Got to get you the Q at Kevlar soon!

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