Hence The Name

  • When:08/23/14
  • QIC: Spackler & Radar
  • The PAX: Purple Haze, The Mouth, Strange Brew, Prohibition

Hence The Name

6.  Yep, that was the number.  You heard it right.  6 of the toughest, manliest and mouthiest pax took to the streets for some Day Zero.  One of those workouts where on imaginary paper, it didn’t look so bad.  But it sucked.  Bad at times.  We are all tougher for attending DZ this morning.

The Thang

Radar leads us to center of soccer fields for a quick warm up.

SSH x 20

Mt Climbers x 20

Something else

Indian Run the Bevington loop – fast pace.  If you get left behind, you will catch up when we stop to do exercises.  Very Radar-esque.

Alternating partner merkins 1-10 at Greenway stop

Alternating partner slow squats 1-10 at some street

Alternating partner CDD’s 1-10 at start of Bevington loop

Repeat but with:

Alt partner walking merkins 1-5 at Greenway stop

Finish Indian Run to some street.

Spackler’s turn – Mosey to Touchstone Rose parking lot

Starfish – 4 corners perform exercise x 20 with 5 hand release merkins at the center

Round 1 – Bear Squats, Sister Mary Catherine’s, Squats with Radar’s fun bags, Squat Jacks

Round 2 – Old Man Sit Ups, Dolly holding bag above chest, Rosalita, Freddy Mercury




Another great day at DZ.  Probably could have marketed it a bit better but seeing as Alf only got 9 at his ‘workout’ after spending ALL DAY on Twitter yesterday, we were very content with just 6.  Haze did try to market it as some kind of show of entertainment between Radar and I sharing Q.  Something about ‘spillage’.   He was correct about the spillage.  Although it wasn’t merlot.  Simply constant ramblings from no other, The Mouth.  Hence the name.  Bunch of ‘That’s What She Said’ dropped out there even when I’m not sure it made sense.  Pretty sure The Mouth was also posting at DZ to see what he is up against for the BRR, Radar and his form in particular.  It got a little weird seeing him stare at Radar’s calves.  Don’t mess with Free Range pal.  We are out to hurt everyone emotionally.  On another note, not sure what YHC has been eating lately but it was fed like a hot pocket to a few of you during the Starfish.  Get you some.  #urwelcome  Last but not least, Strange Brew decided after a few years it was finally time to cheat on The Rock.  Good for you sir.  Branch out.  Spread your love.  I condone cheating every now and again #mudrun. Hope you enjoyed it.


Radar doesn’t tell anyone but shows up early to supposedly run a few miles before posting.  The ole’ ‘wait for guys to show up and then roll around in the dew behind a bush’ technique.  Well done sir.  Well done.


Some BRR teams need drivers.  Team Free Range has a driver but is currently accepting applications for the following positions:

Calf/Hammy Massage Therapists

Grape Feeding Therapists

Foot Bath Therapists

Gold Bond Spray Application Therapists (specifically for the grundle region)



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Spackler author

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10 years ago

That workout definitely sucked. Not sure how much of that was Spackler’s rear breathing technique though. And I will say it was contagious. Sorry Radar.

10 years ago


The Mouth
The Mouth
10 years ago

For the record… I showed up to Day Zero specifically for the “Show of Entertainment” and promises that it was the right post for those “feeling sluggish”. I deserve a refund! The Backblast was more entertainment than the gasps for air coming out of all 6 of us, which was 90% of the mumble chatter. And I am still not sure if Haze was gasping for air because of the running pace or his position behind Spackler.

“The Mouth” was given as a label in recognition to my poker playing prowess, and not my mumble chatter skills. However, if the chatting ruffles the feathers of a free range bird or two… no broken eggs here.

I do recommend Day Zero to anyone who hasn’t posted there… They had these nice black pillows for everyone and cool drinks for after the workout. Now I see why their BRR team needs a Grape Feeding Therapists, these boys are used to being pampered!

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