#F3Swift – Back on the Bull Ring

  • When:08/12/14
  • QIC: Bratwurst
  • The PAX: Abacus, Boomer Sooner, Champagne, Frasier, Honeybee, Haggis, M. Tussauds, Rock Thrill, Soft Pretzel, Strange Brew, unknown* (FNG SIB), Bratwurst

#F3Swift – Back on the Bull Ring

F3-Swift launched at 0515 with several*** PAX in tow.  The Q was en-route. Despite lacking the “assigned” Q, the PAX followed pre-blast instructions and headed to the Bull Ring.


  • Warm-up – Follow stand-in Q Honey Bee with a Warm-up 1 mile to the Bull Ring.  Do two dynamic warm-up exercises from the RunCoach.com set .  “Scheduled” Q arrives by parking at the warm-up site.  Follow “sheduled” (Haggis accent) Q through 4 more of the RunCoach.com set.  Finish with 2 Strides – for a “Stride” explanation of the benefit – watch video here
  • 8×400 at I-pace (see Preblast for I-pace guide) with a 200m jog recovery.  Run through some puddles and over some speed humps along the way, turn around a few times, but generally try to finish strong and together in a group.
  • Cool-down 1mile back to AO
  • Planking – HoneyBee leads the PAX through 1minute Elbow planks, 1 minute Left Side plank (check benefit video here), and 1 minute Right Side plank.
  • COT with Bagpipe

The Moleskin:

  • #qfail – waking up on time via your Smartphone alarm clock, but then waking up 30minutes later with your smartphone still grasped in your hand.  Remind yourself that your preblast gave enough info to set the PAX off in the right direction.
  • The workout today combined with the strength of Frehly’s Foxhole workout yesterday left many of us just a tad sore.  400s at this speed are actually a tad shorter than most ran last week with the 2/1/30 workout, but the short rest and consistently long interval left many PAX out of breath and getting the full benefit.  Great BRR training, for most PAX will feel soreness on every BRR leg after their 1st.  Can’t let the soreness slow you down.
  • Kotters to Soft Pretzel and Boomer Sooner.  Welcome to you guys making the “crossover” from Bagpipe every once in a while.
  • “Runner up”, “clear the way for Rock Thrill” – he was doing his own thing out there today, but as a PAX who may do that often at workouts, YHC has no problem with anyone joining Swift or DevilsTurn for the group accountability to get up and get in the 1st F and get the 2nd F on the warm-up and cool-down.  Most of us would have wanted no part of his 800s today.  Looked strong.
  • Cool to find out that Boomer Sooner and YHC share Nebraska as a past home.  With places like Omaha and Bellevue, we all no why Charlotte is so much more pleasant.  Boomer Sooner could probably lead the charge for that Wagon that barrells into every OU game, but since he’s actually from Nebraska, that’s like a UGA bulldog leading the Rambling Wreck out before a GT game.
  • Pretty flat today, but we’ll get back to the hills next week.  After all, it’s not like the entire #BRR is a roller coaster.  Sometimes you just gotta roll.
  • The Planking that YHC encouraged to lead at COT was a bad move.  It hurt too bad…we’ll have to do it again if we ever get back to COT with more time. #neveragain
  • ***the Q failed to capture the total list of the PAX.  Memory and dim light only served him so well, so sound off in Comments if you “only” get credit for Bagpipe, which someone from Swift would never want.


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Bratwurst author

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9 years ago

Bratwurst – I even followed all of your instructions and you still leave me out of the Pax – you can check I was there the entire time for Swift. Making sure I get credit because it hurt this am.

Reply to  Bratwurst
9 years ago

Very true – Spent most of my time O2 deprived. Will try not to disappoint on the hills next week. Great lead this morning.

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