• When:08/11/14
  • QIC: Hopper
  • The PAX: Passport, Fireman Ed, Robin Hood, Spinner, Geraldo, Dunder, Snake Bite, Strange Brew, Relo, Klunken, FNG David (Big Papi), Smash, Insomniac, Tuti, Hopper (Q) ... and I am missing two. Please sound off in comments as YHC mistakenly erased YHC's voice memo…..#knucklehead


16 pax and one FNG (David: Big Papi) fought the rain of the morning and decided to post at Base Camp.  What they did not know going in is that pre-season football had already gotten the best of the Q so the theme of the morning was “the grid iron”.

The Thang:

Warm up run of two laps around the parking lot with butt kickers and high knees mixed in.  Mosey ultimately to the front parking lot for:

·         SSH X 20
·         IW X 20
·         Low Slow Squats X 20
·         Merkins X 10

Mosey to the side parking lot for Merkin Mania!  All of the pax circled up in tight formation for the following:

·         10 regular merkins…..hold the plank
·         Take 5 plank strides to your left
·         10 diamond merkins…..hold the plank
·         Take 5 plank strides to your right
·         10 wide arm merkins….hold the plank
·         Take 5 plank strides to your left
·         10 HR merkins…..hold the plank
·         Take 5 plank steps to your right

·         The planking was capped off by two rounds of Ring of Fire

Grab two footballs and mosey down to the track.  We formed two relay teams and YHC explained that the last man in the line starts with the ball, sprints to the front and hands off to the then second man, who then hands off to the third man, etc. until the ball makes its way all the way to the back of the line when that pax member sprints to the front…..i.e. the end of the line can’t run to the front until they have the ball!  We ran this for two laps and we did great until the outside lane team suffered from Ernest Byner syndrome (look it up….1987 AFC playoffs) and fumbled the ball twice.  Rather than getting penalized 10 yards, the team got slapped with 10 merkins….and the inside track team was cool enough to do the merkins with us…….that’s brotherhood!!!

Time for GLORY DAYS!  Here is where the mumble chatter really kicked in, along with some smack-talking competition.  The pax lined up at one end zone line of the football field.  One by one, a pax member would throw the ball as far as they could and shout out an exercise.  Once the ball lands, the pax drops, stands, squats (whatever) and completes 5 of said exercise, runs AYG to the ball and completes 10 of said exercise, then run back AYG to the goal line and completes 15 of said exercise.  Unfortunately, not everyone got to throw since we had 17 pax members, but some of the exercises included:

merkins, LBC’s, jump squats, wide arm merkins, , mountain climbers, diamond merkins, lunges (shout out any others I am forgetting in comments).  As I say, lots of solid smack talking about “short distance throws” and exhibitions of estrogen rather than testosterone…..good stuff!

Slow ½ lap mosey back to side parking lot for a quick Mary session of 20 Rosalitas.

That’s a wrap!


I had a lot of fun today boys! Thanks for letting me lead as the boys at Basecamp are some of my favorites.  Kudos to Klunken who dragged out his father, FNG Big Papi, who is here from Zimbabwe to visit his grandchildren.  We hope to see you again Big Papi!  Also, I cannot remember who it was, but after we started the warm-up, one of the pax pulled up beside us and abandoned his car like there was black ice on the street and jumped into exercise formation.  I have never seen anyone pull up curbside to join a workout, but that was awesome!

Thanks for the honor, men!


·         Young Life Mud Run is September 20.  Registration is still available
·         Openings still exist for USMC Mud Run through F3
·         Keep the families of Big Top and Pele in your prayers as they go through challenging times.  Smash also asked we keep family friends of his in mind as they recently lost a young, loved one.

Passport, thank you for the excellent take-out in Ball of Man.


(ctrl-c/v’ed by Passport)

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Passport author

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High Tide
10 years ago

Nice work, Hopper! Love the creativity.

10 years ago

Hopper. Really disappointed to miss this. Looked fun! I will be back next week!

10 years ago

Great work Hopper. Couldn’t have asked for better work on my return to the PAX. Looking forward to seeing all of you out there once again!

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