21 pax made there Friday morning downpainment at the Centurion this morning. After a thorough disclaimer, YHC handed out the “Downy” coupons (very disappointed there was not enough for each to have a set). There are more in the garage ready to be put into action.
The Thang;
Pair up, one set of Downys per pair.
Mosey to the main parking lot for a warm up.
Imperial Walker-25
Mountain Climber-25
Mosey to the Lasso Loop
Partner one run the loop with Downys
Partner two 15 Merkins and plank until partner one returns.
Rinse and repeat 6 times.
Series of planks with the Downys.
Mosey to the backside of the football stadium
Mosey to the school entrance.
Partner one peoples chair with Downys
Partner two 20 Derkins
Rinse and repeat.
Peoples Chair for both partners.
Downy in front, overhead, back to front recover.
Downy right hand press-10 left hand-10 right hand-10 left hand-10
Mosey to the front.
Partner one 15 step ups with Downys
Partner two 20 Derkins
Rinse and repeat for a total of 3 each.
Mosey to the main parking lot for some Mary.
Mason Twist-20
Knee up-10
Line up for sprints to each light pole with 5 Turkish Getups at each light pole.
Head back to the COT.
It was only a matter of time until someone realized that YHC had selected the 5lb Downys. T-Claps to Checkpoint for keeping me honest, and for nipping at my heels with the 10lbs on the Lasso Loop. I have been fighting a cold this week and cowardly chose the 5lb option. It will not happen again.
Great effort by the entire pax this morning! Nobody like running with weights, but that which does not kill you makes you stronger. For those doing the 10K Merkin Challenge, you got a 205 head start on your day.
Sign up to Q by putting your name on the schedule.
We need to see some new names on there men! We have a guest Q next week; Dredd will be delivering the pain this coming Friday.
Contact Champagne for tutoring opportunity in South Charlotte.
I know there are more announcements but I can’t remember.
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