Rebel Yell Pre Blast – Bringing Mutha-esque to Area 51

  • When:08/07/14
  • QIC: Spackler

Rebel Yell Pre Blast – Bringing Mutha-esque to Area 51

Bringing a Muthaship-esque workout to South Charlotte (Stonecrest Shopping Center).  Before any of you Metro F3’ers get your panties in a tizzy – #Muthaship is Muthaship and it cannot be replicated.  YHC gets it.  YHC has been a few times and it is humbling to say the least.  But it wouldn’t be much fun if we didn’t try to emulate it a bit at one of our tougher Thursday sites.  No, we don’t have a 12 story parking garage.  But we have #Murderhorn.  It can, and will, suck to the same degree.  #Meatheads need not apply.  This one will NOT be for you.  Go to Elizabeth Lane.  You’ve been warned.

Now, this WILL be great for those participating in the #BRR AND the #10Kmerkin challenge.  But don’t limit yourselves PAX.  You will leave Rebel Yell a stronger and better person for it.

The Thang will be:

Meet in the normal parking lot to the right side of cinemas at 5:29 sharp.

AYG from the lot down the shopping center (stay in the parking lot) down around the backside of Target, Harris Teeter etc. Stay behind the cinemas and make a left when you get to the back entrance. Cross Elm and down #Murderhorn to the stop sign at the bottom of #Murderhorn.

Bottom stop sign – 20 hand release merkins

AYG up #Murderhorn to the stop sign before the median.

At stop sign atop #Murderhorn complete 10 regular merkins.

Back down #Murderhorn and repeat until 6:10.

At 6:10 AYG back across Elm and behind shopping center and finish back at lot.A record will be set with #Murderhorn seeing that it has never been done before. How many times can you climb it? Climb it 11 times and you will have completed your #10merkin challenge daily allotment of merkins.


Cheers –

Yours truly – Spackler

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Spackler author

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9 years ago

I’m intrigued. I had planned on smartsacking – and may still – but I’m intrigued.

9 years ago

Here’s my plan:

Head up Hwy51 past #Meathead and trick someone into dropping their KBs using the Jack Links I found under my truck seat yesterday as bait. Then, I’ll run up to Bevington and farmers carry the #DevilsTurn loop with a detour by the #Murderhorn for a dozen or so trips.

Who’s in?

Purple Haze
9 years ago

This sounds quite awful. I’m in.

9 years ago

If I had not already subjected myself to the last 4 days that have included Mutha, FT, and my own 7.5 hilly Sadclown run, this would have enticed me to make the extra long trip to Rebel Yell for my first post there. Sounds horrible!

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