F3-Swift launched into the soupy gloom at 0515 with 8 9 PAX in tow.
The Thang:
Head out from the AO at the Vine Restaurant on a little jaunt through the corporate park. Pullover into a parking lot for 6 Drills and 2 additional striders. Cross Ballantyne Commons and head to the bottom of Ben Nevis. Warm-up complete!
While at Ben Nevis – 3 sets of (30sec hill, recover back down, 30sec hill, recover, 60sec hill, recover)
Head back towards AO with 1 more set of 30,30,60 (last was AYG to Conlan Circle).
Cooldown 0.5mi
COT with LBCx20 and 1 minute elbow plank hold
The Moleskin:
Inspiration for today’s workout came from How to Learn to Love Hills that was referred to by Reddogs from Metro. We chose the Red Hill Repeats option, for frankly Green Hill is a normal run around here, 3-4minute hills only exist in far North or West of Charlotte, and PAX are not going to run backwards very long before running into something or tripping over the sidewalk (DISCLAIMER). For the Red Hill repeats, “You can pretty much guess why these are called red hills – because that is the zone you’ll be in: hard! This workout is the exact opposite of the green workout, and it simulates an interval workout in that you follow a hard and easy flow and use the hill as a source of resistance to build strength and power. Run hard up the hill focusing on keeping your stride short, torso tall, looking to the crest of the hill, and driving those elbows back. This is a dynamic interval in that you’re powering up the hill.” Ben Nevis served us well with being able to accommodate a high slope the whole way, for there was no break while running up for 60 seconds.
Back at COT 5 minutes early with Bagpipe in sight called for some extra. LBCs were YHCs idea, but the 1 minute low plank hold was called by Honeybee. At Ben Nevis while running hills, someone (perhaps Brisket) said, “You can do anything for a minute!” After about 30 seconds of the plank hold, YHC wanted to quit, but recalling inspiration earlier, it was clear it would have only been possible to make it by being in a circle with the PAX and not wanting to quit early. Good stuff HB!
Welcome to FNG Nob Hill (YHC’s cousin). After a light EH during the family reunion over the last weekend, he insisted to come out and burn some energy before making the long trip today back to SFO.
Welcome to Swift FNG Stump Hugger. Posting at a Speed Workout only 8 months into running will be very hard, but it is critical for getting over those running doldrums that can set in once you plateau in fitness. Nice catching up with you on Cooldown. Keep coming!
Welcome to Swift FNG Mr. Bean. YHC got into a conversation with Mr. Bean and YHC’s cousin about SFO at the end that apparently that messed with brainwaves…Blame it on the Left Coast.
Abacus Stump Hugger played chicken with traffic today to avoid the stink of the PAX (or perhaps just Tootie) on the Ben Nevis sidewalk. #readthedisclaimer
Undertaker Morning After and Brisket were lighting it up under the bright street lights of the hill. Those boys just need to be seen, and they are off and smoking! How does that 1 minute feel now?
Yes, there is some debate over whether there is a difference in overall shock absorption and if your body can truly notice. Many times for me it is the other factors – camber of the surface (don’t want it slanted), quality of the road from cracks or potholes, traffic, freedom to move around (with more than one runner), etc. My experience has led me to run on “safe” asphalt over a sidewalk any day. However, I have gotten injured running on the extreme side of the road from overuse injuries like a sore ITB. So, if I run in the road, it’s usually in the part of the lane that is flattest (usually tire tracks). You have to stay really alert and pay close attention to if a car sees you or not. Be ready to jump in the gutter or on the curb at any moment.
Mr. Bean the last time I saw you run that fast was when you tried to outsmart that blue 3 wheeled car (aka Reliant Regal Supervan III). If you go who will provide the sarcasm and cursing? Show this man some love!!
Stump Hugger you are referring to one of the greatest British TV shows of all time “Only Fools & Horses”, I am as slow as an old horse but I will be back for Swift.
I can also vouch for Mr. Bean being there for the full 60 minutes. It was nice to have some converts out there this morning (Morning After and Mr. Bean). They are now runners!
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