10 PAX launched into the Gloom at DevilsTurn on Thursday morning at 0515. Hot and muggy is becoming common, but it still deserves a mention.
- Start with 10minute 2nd F pace on the normal DT route to South Charlotte Middle School. Check Preblast for exact directions.
- 40min Tempo Run – continue to SCMS, run around track until leaving at a time to get back to COT by 0610. Option 1 – Stop at 40 minutes and regroup to cooldown for 5 minutes. Option 2 – Keep going to get back to COT. Suggested pace was Marathon Goal pace – Check Preblast for exact instructions.
The Moleskin
- At COT, talked briefly about Static Stretching before exercise. Bottom line – don’t do it. It either hurts performance or doesn’t provide a benefit. A better pre-exercise routine is to roll over muscle groups with something like a Stick (talk to Whiplash) or to “dynamic” stretch. YHC gave a quick dynamic stretching routine with standing high knees, standing butt kicks, leg swings – take leg through full range of running motion one at a time, lateral leg swings – take leg across your body kind of like a low can-can dancer leg motion, and ankle rolls. Do about 15 reps each leg and each direction with ankle. Also good to follow up an intense workout with the same dynamic routine. Static stretching / rolling after an intense workout should be light, for you don’t want to push yourself too far when fatigued / inflamed and you cannot feel damage you might be doing. Save the long static stretching for after a Moderate or Easy workout.
- Honeybee was not on 2 wheels coming into the Parking Lot late (ala Haggis), but he made up some ground quickly to meet us at the track. Funny thing is that he was running wrong way on the track (albeit correctly in the outside lanes), so he must just not like NASCAR and always turning Left.
- Turkey Leg and Frasier (+HB later) made a solid pack. They were lapping the oval several times and were last to leave.
- Per the Mouth, his earbuds are loaded with subliminal messages (“just don’t throw up”), but you wouldn’t have believed it today. He was on full alert for passing traffic while doing some passing himself.
- Stone Cold (Kotters!) was pulling someone along for a while. He is looking to get back into NYC marathon trip to redeem the Sandy-cancelled event in 2012. Thanks also for taking us out with a great reminder to help those around us.
- Welcome to DT FNG Undertaker (who was perhaps the mystery man with Stone Cold). No stranger to Swift, it’s great to see you out at the DT.
- Stump Hugger’s flashing vest made an appearance at the track, and he still had a bit left at the end to push it home to COT. Getting stronger.
- Mall Cop and Wolfman were supposedly on the run, but YHC never saw either at the track (it was pretty dark). At least Mall Cop showed up at COT. Wolfman must have chased a squirrel into the woods.
- BRR shirts – if doing the official F3 BRR shirt and you want in on a group order to save shipping, email Bratwurst at paul.wuerslin@gmail.com with your selection. Link here = http://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-2014-brr-shirt. We have at least 3 planning to order (the minimum to avoid shipping costs), so join us now. Will order by August 1st.
- Keep Stump Hugger’s dad in mind for a procedure later this month.
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