As YHC drove into the parking lot, I found a lone KB’er in Busch and a couple of unsure pax waiting for something to happen. Even though I forgot the shovel flag this morning, we still departed at 5:30 to give everyone what they were looking for.
Jog to baseball field and do a lap around entire field. Circle up in the infield for COP.
- SSH x20
- IW x20
- Groiners x20
Mosey to home plate for some interval training.
Interval Training “Infield sprints” for Speed
Group jogs around infield. Lead pax sprints around infield until catching the pax. Shouts “go” for next pax to do same. Repeat until all have gone twice.
1 lap of Indian Run around entire baseball field.
Mosey to rock pile, choose a suitable rock, and carry to the outfield for some Tabata strength training.
Tabata for Strength (with rocks) – alternate b/w exercises within Tabata
- Tabata 1 – Tea Bag Squats / Merkins
- Tabata 2 – Bicep Curl / Wide-arm Merkins
- Tabata 3 – Overhead Press / Diamond Merkins
- Tabata 4 – Tricep Extension / Carolina Dry Docks
Drop rocks for some core stability work.
Core Workout for Stability
- LBC x13 IC
- 1-legged Flutter…I mean Dolly x13 IC (R/L)
- CCV x13 IC
- Makthar Ndjiaye x13 IC
- Flutter x13 IC
- Protractor
Return rocks and sprint back to shovel flag.
Naked Moleskin:
- Kudos to Busch (solo KB’er), Champagne, Turkey Leg, and Purple Haze getting a little extra credit with the pre-run this morning!
- Welcome to Anvil FNG Spead-eagle and F3 FNG Hardhat (a solid name). Glad you guys came out to give us a try and hope you’ll come back.
- PAX was a little confused by the “Infield Sprints”…kind of like an Indian Run, but not an Indian Run. Heard a few calls to reverse direction, but YHC was definitely feeling NASCAR this morning. #turnleft
- When we got to the tabata portion of the workout I heard at least one call-out for lack of creativity. Granted, but I think what it lacked in creativity it made up for in difficulty. #spaghettiarms
- Had a little trouble calling out the MOM exercises this morning. Is it a flutter, is it the dolly…what is it?
- Overall a great effort by all out there this morning and always an honor to lead!
- Thank you Busch for taking us out of COT this morning with a solid
- F3 Dads – Saturdays at 9am, Beatty Park – children of all ages welcome with their dads.
- June 27th – Kevlar site will converge at Joust (Charlotte Christian)
- Watch weekly email for July4th convergence announcements.
- Champagne will lead pax in doing the Murph at Anvil on 7/2.
- 3rd F – “Aftermath” meets at Piper Glen Starbucks every Wednesday following the workout. Reading “Blue Like Jazz” by Donald Miller
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