Keep going until somebody hurls

  • When:05/29/14
  • QIC: Gummy
  • The PAX: Harley, Morning After, Brisket, Deep Dish, Fletch, Champagne (Run), Hopper, Pudding Pop, Donkey Kong, Lucky, Gecko, Star Fish, Flutie Flakes, Drexler, Escargot, Garbage Plate, Gummy (QIC, Run)

Keep going until somebody hurls

Champagne and YHC resisted the allure of the co-ed running group gathering in the Colony HT parking lot with us at 5:20 and headed to the school where the rest of the PAX assembled (except for 2 who snuck in late). Off we went for:

SSH x 25
IW x 20
MC x 20

The Thang
Mosey to the concession stand with some butt-kickers and high knees en route. Select a partner.
Partner 1 does called exercise.
Partner 2 runs to centerfield fence of a nearby baseball field.
Flapjack and repeat for all four fields with Jump Ups, Derkins, Sister Mary Catherines and Incline Merkins.

Mosey to back field, dropping markers every 30 yards or so. Gather in far end zone for quick Mary recovery: LBC, Flutter

Suicides: Split into two groups along end line. Group 1 AYG to first marker (30 yds) and back. Group 2 starts when last man of Group 1 crosses start line. Repeat 3 more times at that distance.
Repeat for markers at 60 (3 times), 90 (2 times) and 120 (1 time).

Plank recovery, then slow mosey through the nature trail back to middle of field. More Mary recovery: Dolly, Protractor

Split into groups of 3.
1 goes to one end zone for Hand Release Merkins.
2 goes to the other end zone for Jump Squats.
3 runs from partner 1 to 2. Flapjack and repeat for about 10 minutes.

Mosey back to front field for more Mary:
CDD x 20 (not Mary, but still)
Russian Twist x 20
Heels to Heaven x 20


We covered 2.5 miles during the workout, mostly during sprints. About halfway through the suicides, Harley brought back high school football memories when he asked if we keep going until somebody throws up. Thankfully we were spared that scene.

My mid-pack view during the running allowed me to see Fletch, Harley, Hopper and a few of the young guys tearing it up. Nice work guys.

Hang out with the F3Golf crowd after their round at Olde Sycamore (around 5:00 I think).
Mud run signups open soon. Get your teams together.
There was something else, but things were blurry by this point. Add in the comments if you remember what it was.

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Gummy author

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10 years ago

Sweet Q Gummy! Another grueling workout with plenty of challenges, but ZERO burpees….I love it! Champagne had plenty of lead time during the sprints, too, just to provide due credit. Thanks again for leading Gummy.

10 years ago

Only because i was trying to catch DK and stay ahead of you. Stong work all around on the sprints. It paid off later when we had to sprint off the golf course to keep from getting hit my lightening and hail.

Reply to  Champagne
10 years ago

And no clearly I can’t spell.

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