Ulitmate suicide- kick in the teeth

  • QIC: Lobster Roll
  • The PAX: Lobster Roll (QIC), 49er, Blue Rhino, Mr. Brady, Baracus, Strange Brew, Callaway, Rivet, Lab Rat, Night Court, Stone Cold

Ulitmate suicide- kick in the teeth

Shovel Flag was planted and Lobster Roll took on his first Joust Q coming off a late night return from Miami.

Lap around the Track

Middle of Football Field for:

Squat x 20

SSH x 20

IW x 20

Ultimate Suicide:

Head to the goal line….

Run to the opposite goal line and perform

10 burpees

20 merkins

30 squats

Return to starting goal line

Run to opposite 10 yard line and perform

10 burpees

20 merkins

30 squats

Return to starting goal line

Run to opposite 20 yard line and perform

10 burpees

20 merkins

30 squats

The Pax performed this sequence for the entire 100 yards.  In total, 100 burpees, 200 merkins & 300 Squats.

Plank while the Pax finished

Run up grandmother mountain to the school building (famous blue door)

People’s Chair – 1min

Jog to play ground – 10x pull-ups

Repeat 3 times

LBCs for the final 2mins

Since the PAX made no comments or voice activity for the entire 45mins, I assume the PAX enjoyed the workout…..Nice work fellas!!!



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Stone Cold author

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Strange Brew
Strange Brew
10 years ago

Not sure if I should T Claps this, it was pretty painful, had to modify the reps downward, yikes but good comaraderie with the pax suffering through the pain together.

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