The VSF was planted just before 13 men planked in the parking lot at 0659 for a few words of encouragement and a run down of the disclaimer from the Gentleman Q. Then with a “follow me” off we went chasing Mermaid the wrong way around the track. Here’s a breakdown of what we did today:
The Thang
Mermaid Q
Run around the Proving Grounds track and circle up on the far side of the school, next to the dumpster, for COP:
Mosey to the benches in front of the school:
Plank-o-rama, including Mission Impossible. Then 10 Merkins on Q’s count.
Mosey a little farther over in the parking lot for the Triple Nickel:
Mosey to the back of the school and grab a boulder:
Put the boulders back and mosey up the school for some Semi-Gloss a/k/a Peoples Chair – 40 Shoulder Raises
Partner up for Partner Merkins x 10 (that’s 55 for those of you keeping score at home).
Purple Haze Q
Run to the Yellow Rose parking lot. Stay with your same partner. Perform called exercise then split and run in opposite directions along the loop around the Touchstone Shopping Center…~6/10ths of a mile. When you meet in the back along Bevington, perform same called exercise, then keep running back to the launch point.
Line up along the curb in the parking lot for more running:
Time for one more loop run.
Circle up in the Touchstone parking lot.
The Gentleman Q treated the Pax poorly throughout his 30 minutes. It was seemingly continuous motion push-o-rama…heavy on the merkins and CDDs. Our upper bodies got all blown up.
After too much time stirring up the asbestos in his attic during his move, Radar apparently has black lung. It started during the COP and continued all around…hacking cough, hocking up mucus and spitting loogies all over the school grounds. Poor kids come Monday. Kept it up at the shopping center too…although his mucus is clearly not even top 10 in the most disgusting things in the Yellow Rose lot.
Speaking of the parking lot, we were forced to keep our voices down during the suicides, etc there. At the far curb, two guys fast asleep in their car. Strong night apparently. Radar and Spackler began to reminisce…going back to many mornings seeing the sunrise from the parking lot of the Yellow Rose. #GoodTimes
Still clawing my eyes out after Loop 3. Semi-Gloss went shirtless. YHC’s hoping for a mild summer.
Solid group of men out there this morning. Another strong Q from Mermaid…thanks for stepping up at DZ. Thanks to Ribeye for his first site visit and a big welcome to @F3Crappie from Columbia.
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