What is the Tetrad Smokefest???

  • When:5/3/14
  • QIC: Hair Band & Countertop
  • The PAX: Horse Head, Boone Dock (2.0), Double E, Drop Thrill, The Late Show, Electric Slide, Hardwood, Belly Flop (2.0) Hair Band, Countertop

What is the Tetrad Smokefest???

The Thang!

The burning question in everyone’s mind that had nothing better to think about: What is the Tetrad Smokefest? Well it has nothing to do with the four blood red moons in the news lately, Tetrad really just means 4 so…

This is a 4 station workout, with add ons each round.
1 round = 4 stations.
On the first round, do exercise number 1 on the card and then rotate to next station where you will do exercise 1 on that card, etc.
On their second time around, PAX should follow exercise number 2 and rotate and so on up to… you guessed it, 4.

Station 1 Chest

1: 10 Merkins

2: 10 Merkins, 10 wide-arm Merkins

3: 10 Merkins, 10 wide-arm Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins (Shine Bright)

4: 10 Merkins, 10 wide-arm Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins, 10 staggered arm Merkins (10 each side)

Station 2 Kettlebell

1: 10 Goblet Squat

2: 10 Goblet Squat, 10 Curls

3: 10 Goblet Squat, 10 Curls, 10 tricep extensions

4: 10 Goblet Squat, 10 Curls, 10 tricep extensions, 10 swings

Station 3 Core

1: 10 Peter Parker (each side)

2: 10 Peter Parker (e s), 10 Cumberland County Viaduct (e s)

3: 10 Peter Parker (e s), 10 Cumberland County Viaduct (e s), 10 v-ups (modify: leg lifts, LBC, etc.)

4: 10 Peter Parker (e s), 10 Cumberland County Viaduct (e s), 10 v-ups (modify: leg lifts, LBC, etc., 10 burpees

Station 4 Cardio cones

1: High knees

2: High knees, Karaoke

3: High knees, Karaoke, Backpedal

4: High knees, Karaoke, Backpedal, Sprint

Plank it up until all PAX are done,

Still have about 7 minutes, grab some wall!

People chairs 30 seconds, drop and inch, 30 more seconds, recover.
Back on the wall for 30 seconds, Belly Flop yells out air presses, ok! 20 air presses then recover.

Next up 2 stations, 20 dips and 20 step ups, 3 rounds go!

Part 2 Countertop QIC

– Mosey to field behind Middle School

Modified Ark Loader (in no particular Order)

Round 1
– Bear Crawl down
– run back
– Burpees x5 and Plank

Round 2
– Inch Worm down
– run back
– Burpees x5 and Plank

Round 5
– Crab Walk down
– back peddle back
– Burpees x5 and Plank

Round 6 Horse Head had a great new name for these Ape Crawls which everyone agreed upon and has since been forgotten by YHC. HH (et al.) give a shout out if you remember what you re-named these
– Ape Crawl Right down
– Ape Crawl Left back
– plank (Burpees held in reserve)

Round 7
– Burpee Long Jumps

6 MoM COP (plus a few sets of burpees thrown in for good measure)
– LBCs x25
– Freddie Mercury x15
– Imperial Walkers x15
– etc

Mosey back to return Kettle Bells and cones then back over to shovel flag COT
– oh wait, we still have 3 minutes…
– minute 1 – Burpees x10 OYO
– minute 2 – Burpees x10 OYO
– minute 3 – Burpees x10 OYO

Moleskin:  Horse Head and Double E ran 5 miles prior to the main event with Boone Dock leading a 2 wheeled escort. Apparently his top speed was attracting the attention of the local authorities. “film at 11”  As you can see in the above breakout, Hair Band’s Tetrad Beatdown was quite the crowd pleaser.  We should have known we were in for a an epic beatdown when the warm-up COP lasted a total of 30 seconds.  Never a good sign when the Q thinks you need to save your strength for the next event.  #WewereSmokedx4

Kotters to Electric Slide and Hardwood who were back it this weekend and to Drop Thrill coming back to Outland for another round of pain.

About the author

Counter Top author

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Drop Thrill
10 years ago

Thanks Counter Top and Hair Band for a good ole round of pain.

Still feeling it this morning.

Hair Band
Reply to  Drop Thrill
10 years ago

Keep coming out DT, the more you come out the… well, it will still suck, you just learn to embrace the suck a little better.

Drop Thrill
10 years ago

Embrace the suck. lol An ex-Army friend of mine is interested and I think he’s coming out Saturday.

Any time I think it’s bad at Outland, I just look at those crazy guys that run up parking decks and 5ks and do a boot camp and stop complaining.

Double E
10 years ago

Great Workout Q’s! A 10 count recovery to CT = 10 x Burpees. HB brought it strong with a double dose of the P’s – Preparation & Pain! I believe HH’s name for the sideways Bear crawl was the “Bear-aoke”. DT quickly becoming a regular! Great group of guys @ the Outland and looking forward to yet another pain-filled adventure in the gloom this week! Aye!

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