Pre-Game Jitters

Pre-Game Jitters

(Posted on behalf of Iron Horse)

14 men joined the pre-game warm-up before the Final Four – – YHC’s mighty Badgers still in the hunt…..those pre-game jitters causing a bit of over-engineering of the first half of the Q.

The Thang:

COP Warm-up:

Slow mosey around the track – stopping occasionally for various exercises….something along these lines

1.      8 Burpees OYO

2.      16 SSH IC

3.      8 burpees OYO

4.      16 IW IC

5.      8 burpees OYO

6.      16 groiners

7.      8 burpees OYO

Stop at Basketball Court:

1.      Gasser to loosen up:  free throw line, half court, free throw line, end line

2.      Basketball relay:

2 Teams

One guy does 5 BBall merkins, each arm…then dribbles down and makes 3 shots, then 5 BBall merkins each side…then dribble back

While waiting, the others on the team the others on the team are continuously working through the following progression

–        16 Dolly

–        16 LBC

–        16 Flutter

–        16 merkins

–        16 squats

Good humor here as the combination of merkins and an overinflated basketball had the pax shooting 12% from the field.

Mosey to center of field and pair up for the Final Four – 4 Corners: (this is where the pre-game jitters and a few glasses of wine created an somewhat overly complicated Weinke – – apologies to the pax).

P1 stays in center doing rounds of 8 burpees, 8 squats, 8 merkins, 8 louganis

While P2 runs to corner of field and performs designated exercises:

·        Corner 1:  16 CDD, 16 LBC

·        Corner 2: 8 pull-up, 8 jump squat

·        Corner 3: 16 wide merkins, 16 dolly

·        Corner 4:  8 diamond merkin, 8 lunge, each leg

[Hand off Q to Sweetness]

Grab a rock of appropriate size and circle up

2 rounds of:

·        Overhead press 20x

·        Curls 20x

·        Low Slow Squats 20x

·        Side Tri-Rise 20x (10 each side)

Return the rocks and partner up:

Pair-up (5x)

P1:  100 yd suicide

P2: performs exercise until P1 returns, then flapjack.

5 rounds through:

1.      Mountain Climbers

2.      Squats

3.      Merkins

4.      Groiners

5.      LBC

Group Sprints:  (3 rounds, down and back)

P1:  sprint 100 yds

P2:  starts when P1 reaches other end

Mosey around track back to Parking Lot.


Fantastic weather this morning.  Hard to stay focused in the hours before Frank-the-Tank Kaminsky and the mighty Badgers put a crushing on Kentucky. The level of chatter rising above mere mumble indicated too low an intensity on the first half of the workout (we’ll be sure to fix that next time), but Sweetness ended strong with the suicides and sprints for his virgin Q.


Some last minute subs still needed for the MudRun.

Sure to repeat before the BRR so sound off if you’re interested in either.

About the author

Purple Haze author

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10 years ago

Great workout today horse and sweetness. The suicides and sprints at end good finisher to my already tired legs. Iron horse good luck to your badgers. I have a friend who bleeds Kentucky blue. Should be good game.

The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Nice workout today guys! Looks like the GRT’s from 815 were all connected and we didn’t even realize it…Check out Olympus’ BB…We played ball and did non-stop exercises. Lol! Great to see IH and Sweetness put together such a beat down!

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