Is the Yasso 800 really that hard? Plus, SOB getting cocky

Is the Yasso 800 really that hard? Plus, SOB getting cocky

The virtual shovel flag was planted and nine men headed down to the track for some distance training.  Soul Glow was all excited since Frasier was no where to be seen, thinking he could stand at the top of the podium for once.

The Thang:

COP – SSH X50, Squats X20, IW X20

Yasso 800 (only 4 rounds due to time limit – 10 rounds is the real number).  Run 800 meters at your target race pace (4 minute avg over 10 rounds implies a 4 hour marathon or 2 hour half) and then 400 meter recovery jog.  Rinse and repeat 4 times.

The Beast – Six sets running the football/soccer field with six stops to perform six count of the called exercise.

  • LBC
  • Jump squats
  • Lunges
  • IW’s
  • Can’t remember
  • Burpees

Lunge walk half way up to parking lot and jog to COP

Naked Moleskin

YHC thought the Yasso was fairly easy to explain but guess my early morning mumbling wasn’t clear.  As PH can attest, when in doubt just follow the Q – you’ll figure it out.  Patience is not one of my virtues (just ask my M) and thus rarely will you get a long winded explanation from me.

Frasier shows up out of no where about 5 minutes late and crushes Soul Glow’s hopes of taking the gold medal.  However, Frasier didn’t get Larry Bird on the last leg of the Beast – the one that counts in my book.  Just sayin.

Finally, SOB is getting itchy for a rematch with Fast Twitch.  I guess they don’t like waking up seeing the 0-1 on their wall every morning.  Bring it.

As usual, I am blessed to have the chance to lead such upstanding men (and PH) in the gloom.


New third F at South Park at lunch on Wednesday (I believe).  Contact Hops or check out the web site. Also, spots will likely open up for mud run so get on wait list if interested.

About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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Purple Haze
10 years ago

Apparently, Chelms has gotten into the files at my therapist…hitting my top two demons in back to back Qs…had me carrying heavy things at Centurion on Friday and had me running on the track at Fast Twitch this morning. It was awful. We persevered.

And Chelms, even though I’m sure you meant your last comment above as a dig, I’m just going to believe that I’m considered something far above just an upstanding man.

Reply to  Purple Haze
10 years ago

Agreed. This was brutal. I was thankful that Chelms called off the Yassos after 4 reps, then disheartened when it wasn’t Mary that was waiting, but the Beast.

Good representation from the newest Area 51 BRR team out there this morning – Chelms, Hannibal, Splinter and me. Along with Purple Haze, the five of us were comfortably maintaining that half-lap gap behind Frasier. It was good to have guys to hang on to around the track.

10 years ago

Thank the Lord the M had to leave early this morning.

10 years ago

Come on over anytime Chelms. We’ll show you how to do Merkins.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Haggis
10 years ago

And the UFC gloves come off! Ouch!

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