DK partially Q-jacks The Rock

DK partially Q-jacks The Rock

The VSF was planted….perhaps before 8.5 pax did 30 minutes of pre-work at The Rock.  At 0700, 16 of Area 51’s finest and one of The Fort’s filed in behind Stagecoach.

The Thang:

Little baby jog around the parking lot.  Turn everyone around to loop back and pick up the late-comer. Everyone welcome Skywalker!  Continue jog to search for an open area in a parking lot.  Good, we found one.

  • 10 Burpees
  • Mountain climbers x 15
  • 9 Burpees
  • Peter Parker x 15
  • Imperial Walker x 10 (thought I was gonna say 8 Burpees, didn’t you, DK?)
  • 8 Burpees
  • Imperial Walker x15
  • 7 Burpees
  • Parker Peter x 15
  • 6 Burpees
  • SSH x 20 (finally!)
  • 5 Burpees
  • Plank, 6 inches x 2 10 counts
  • 4 Burpees
  • LBC x 20
  • 3 Burpees
  • Side plank with hip dip x 10
  • 2 Burpees
  • Side plank with hip dip x 10
  • 1 Burpee
Jog over near the hill entrance and form 2 groups.
  • Group 1: Diagonal shuttle run touching corners of parking spaces
  • Group 2: Burpees while you wait
  • Flapjacks
  • Rinse and repeat, replace Burpees with flutters
Partner up and mosey to the rock pile.  Partner 1 pick a rock you’d both be proud of.
Parter merkin ladder:
  • P1 – 20 merkins
  • P2 – Curl rock while you wait
  • Flapjacks
  • P1 – 19 merkins
  • P2 – Curl rock while you wait
  • Flapjacks
  • Keep going down to 1 merkin each
  • Modification option with rock: Squat instead of curl.
  • For the math challenged, that’s 210 merkins each

Hops Q:

Jog to soccer fields while YHC grabs bag of tennis balls and racket.

YHC launches a tennis ball numbered 13 with aforementioned racket.  AYG sprint to the ball.

Dolly x 13. Sprint back to start point.

Ninja Turtle feebly hits tennis ball…..also numbered 13.

Lunge walk to ball. Plank for 1 minute. 13 H-R Merkins.

Lunge walk back.

YHC again launches a tennis ball…incredibly also numbered 13.  What are the odds.

Someone suggests bear crawl, so YHC obliges.

After DK, who is inhuman with his bear crawl, pushes the ball even further down the field – we stop.

DK then suggests Jack Webb, thus, we do Jack Webbs up to 13 Merkins/52 overhead presses.

AYG sprint back to starting point

Jog to pavilion.

Peoples Chair – 90 seconds

Plank for 1 minute

13x H-R Merkins

Jog to COT

Ye Olde Moleskine:
  • Lots of chatter about UNC vs. DOOK game tonight. Everyone must pick a side, there’s no in between in this rivalry.
  • Loved the encouragement/hazing that took place in the merkin ladder.
  • What’s up with Hops asking Donkey Kong to call an exercise…thanks for the Jack Webb’s up to 13.  I still can’t feel my shoulders.
  • For the record, Stagecoach posted the above 3 points.  YHC did not ask DK for help, rather, he gave it unsolicited but didn’t have the heart to dis my merkin/boulder partner.
  • DK also was unusually vociferous with his form policing.  Methinks he’s spent too much time around GoRuck cadres and/or TR.


MudRun transportation info to come soon.  Stagecoach is Event Q.

F3 Mentoring – please signup.  Area 51’s Skywalker and Champagne are helping Q this effort.  Signup on the website as a Mentor or Mentee.  Life on Life.  Iron Sharpening Iron.

GoRuck – can still sign up prior to Wednesday.

GoRuck Welcome Party – many of the pax will be on hand to “encourage” our brothers.  Very probable that a pre-GoRuck Welcome Party/ACC Tourney viewing will take place prior to the 10pm Welcome Party itself.  Watch Twitter for announcements.

HDHH this Wednesday – will be a convergence with Metro at TacoMac (SoPark) – $0.35 drafts…even the snob beers that YHC loves.

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10 years ago

Ahh, ye ole’ Alabama Slamma!

10 years ago

That one left a mark…totally good call on rock size Blades of Glory. It may be only reason I can move my arms today. The Beast from Fort showed some toughness. And to think he was in our area to go help a friend MOVE…strong!

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