Tour de Hydra

Tour de Hydra

19 men braved a cold March morning for a chance to compete in Tour de Hydra.

Warm up:

No warm up was planned but after seeing a few cars still entering the parking lot at 0530 YHC called an audible.  10 burpees on your own.

The Thang:

-Burpee run to Harris Teeter. Complete 5 burpees each time whistle is blown (6 to 8 times).

-Wall work; people’s chair, BTW (extra credit for push ups), people’s chair, wall plank merkins, people’s chair, wall plank mountain climbers.

-Merkin run back to OPE. Complete 10 mekins each time whistle is blown (5 to 7 times).

-LBC’s while Pax wait for everyone to arrive back at OPE.

-Run to playground. Group 1 completes pull ups, group 2-mountain climbers.  Flapjack.

-Run to Snack Shack. Group 1-step ups, group 2 dips.  Flapjack.

-Run to back field. Bear crawl to nature trail entrance.

-Run to hill. Group 1-50 LBC’s. Group 2-runs to top of hill and completes 20 merkins.  Flapjack 2 times.

-Run back to OPE parking lot completing each exercise in reverse order.

-5 MOM, dollys, protractor, SLOW elbow to opposite knee and hold, LBC’s


-After getting called out by Bugeater in last weeks backblast for not posting or Q’ing Hydra since Halloween YHC started to feel a little guilty about taking an almost 4 month hiatus from F3.  Hey we all need a little break every now and then!  Plus YHC is not the least bit embarrassed to admit that I now hate bitter cold mornings more than ever….Thanks to last year’s SnowRuck!  But it was after I completed my first of 10 not planned burpees on your own that I then remembered why we all come out in numbers at 0530.  The feeling of being back was awesome! #fearthewhistle

-Not much chatter from the Pax as the constant motion kept conversation to a minimun.

-Greyhound is a stud!  74 years old… are you kidding me!!  Give this guy F3 legacy status or something!

-Thanks to whoever directed the way through the nature trail (I think it was Mall Cop).

-It was an honor leading you guys.  Thanks for reminding me why am part of F3.


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10 years ago

The callout was merely a show of brotherly love niner and you know it. Missed my snow ruck war buddy. Looks like I missed a good one. Welcome back to gloom and in usual form with that dang whistle. Real crowd pleaser!

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