9 pax ignore the threat of precipitation, eager to see what Hopper has in store for his virgin Q, with a High Tide chaser. Here’s how it played out:
The Thang:
Hopper on Q
Mosey to Baseball Field to “Run the Bases”:
Mosey to Concession Stand for 7’s:
Mosey to Playground & partner up:
Handoff to High Tide
Mosey to the football field for The Beast:
Mosey to the front field
Ascent has open Q’s the next 2 weeks, 3/8 & 3/15. Passport is tentative on 3/8. Let High Tide know if you’re interested.
High Tide has a USMC Mud Run spot that he needs to relinquish. Let him know if you’re interested.
Great work by all the pax today, and a special shout out to Hopper, making his inaugural Q. If you hadn’t known it was his first, you sure couldn’t tell it; he performed like a veteran. Well done! Looking forward to adding you to the Ascent rotation!
To start off the workout, we had some competition for the LIFO award. Relo pulls in while we’re on our 2nd lap of the track. Mumblechatter ensues about who might pull in later to take the LIFO award from him. His successor arrives while we’re in the COP, FNG Haystack (see below).
FNG Haystack is the latest to join our merry band from the office of: Strange Brew, Passport, Run Stopper, Weeblo, & IPA. Haystack was telling us about himself, and nothing was really jumping out at us. He was wearing a bright orange sweatshirt and shoes, so we settled on Citrus. As we were departing, he realized he’d lost his keys, somewhere on the wide open fields of Olde Providence! Playground? Baseball field? Football field? Front field? A search party ensued, and his keys were found on the football field. As YHC was jogging home (yes, YHC ran into and from the workout today – first time ever) and was reflecting on the size of the AO and trying to find a small set of keys, it really seemed like a “needle in a haystack” moment. So, YHC decided to exercise his Q-powers and rename Citrus as Haystack. Like Tumbler, Stump Hugger, Premie, and many others, events of your first workout often provide the best naming material.
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