Bear Crawl Tuesday

Bear Crawl Tuesday

11 Pax decided to get their bread and milk early before the snow hit so they stopped by SPEARHEAD first to see what was on the grocery list.  They found out – Rugby Sprints and Bear Crawls…..lots and lots of Bear Crawls.

The Thang:

Line up on the Goal Line – Rucks Off:

Spartan Burpees x 11

I.W. x 11

Windmills x 11

Squats x 11

Peter Parkers x 11

Parker Peters x 11

Slow Sumo Squats x 11


Warm Up Over.  Stay on the line – Rucks On:

First Exercise is…..the 100 yard Bear Crawl (Crowd Pleaser – Early!)

Next Exercise is…..the 100 yard Bear Crawl (Caulkin knew it was coming)

Next Exercise is…..the 50 yard Army Crawl (Package called no joy)

Next Exercise is…..the 50 yard Over/Under


Back on the Goal Line – Rucks Off:

Rugby Sprints – ground exercise, explode off the ground, sprint 20 yards, touch the line, sprint 20 back, recover walk 20 yards back.  Rinse/Repeat 10 times:

LBCs – Sprint!

Merkins – Sprint!

Freddy Mercury’s – Sprint!

Mountain Climbers – Sprint!

LBCs (watch the count you early risers!) – Sprint!

Merkins – Sprint!

Mack-Tar-Jie (can’t spell it and hate it – cut it short) – Sprint!

LBCs – Sprint!

Freddy Mercury’s – Sprint!

Merkins – Sprint!


Mosey to the hill:

Bear Crawl (“Every time?” – Caulkin) Jacobs Ladder.  Yes.  Spartan Burpees at the top.


Find a partner and Log Up:

Partner 1 carries both rucks and log to end of parking lot and back.  Partner 2 does various core exercises.  Flap/Jack.  Not sure how many times…..we ran out of exercises.



Great work by great men.  It was an honor to Q at SPEARHEAD for the first time.  Hope I held up the high standard of total body beatdowns set by previous members of the brotherhood. Look forward to many more in preparation of the F3 Custom GORUCK Challenge.  Still time to sign up. 

T-Claps to Cable Guy.  Decided last Saturday that he wanted in on the GRC and talked himself into it.  Next move – post at SH.  He’s a CSAUP inspiration to us all.

Clueless circled the pax but did not join in.  He did circle with a ruck on so he gets a post credit. 

BTB fartsacked.  YHC may have scared him away with talk of excessive #groundwork this morning.  We’ll let it slide this time.


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Crab Cakes author

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BTB (Bob The Builder)
10 years ago

I did it. I fartsacked. Although it was not because of your warnings of ground work – in fact, I want to do more of it.

Good to see you drug WWL out of The Fort to join us! I really hate that I missed a SPEARHEAD with so many new faces!

Great work, Crab Cakes. That routine looks very interesting and very challenging. We need to see you sign up to Q more often, especially once we pull The Hoff and Liquor Cycle off of IR.

Thanks again, I’ll see you guys later this week!

Rock Thrill
10 years ago

I should have mentioned in COT that this was my first Spearhead experience and it is no joke! Boy was it painful, but having just signed up for GRC, I am in “panic training” mode and knew I needed some ruck time so today was the day! Crab Cakes, you did not disappoint and you Q’d like a pro! The 100 yard bear crawls were awful. If GRC is 11 more hours of the pain that was administered this morning, it’s gonna be a loooong night, fellas!

Special shout out to FNG Danielsan, who was aptly named for using his BJJ belt on his ruck , for signing up for GRC with me just because he loves all things CSAUP and making his first F3 post with a ruck on!

Great to suffer alongside some of The Fort brethren, too!


The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Crab Cakes….HATE that I missed this one. As one of the SPEARHEAD leaders it hurt me not to share this moment with you as I hurt the knee again at the GRC this weekend. I’ll be back in full force soon! Great routine!!!

Good to see Culkin out there as he is starting to build momentum…don’t let up brother, keep the M in her place when it comes to SPEARHEAD!

Looking forward to meeting the FNG’s and hope they come on out Friday when I’m Q…lol.

See you in the gloom soon.

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