Who’s Jacob and Why Did He Bring All These Ladders??

Who’s Jacob and Why Did He Bring All These Ladders??

8 Pax ran a lot and climbed 6 rounds of Jacob’s ladder at Olympus today.

The Thang:


Warm up Lap around track

Mid-Way SSH x 25


Merkins x 25

Partner up:

Round 1:

P1 Farmer Carry Run w. Kettle Bells to far Basketball Goal and back = 200 Yards; P2 Burpees


P1 Farmer Carry Run w. Kettle Bells to 2nd BB Goal and back = 120 yards; P2 Burpees


P2 Farmer Carry Run w. Kettle Bells to 1st BB Goal and back = 60 yards; P2 Burpees


Round 2:

P1 Sprint to far Basketball Goal and back = 200 Yards; P2 Bicep Curls


P1 Sprint to 2nd BB Goal and back = 120 yards; P2 Bicep Curls


P2 Sprint to 1st BB Goal and back = 60 yards; P2 Bicep Curls


Round 3:

P1 Sprint to far Basketball Goal and back = 200 Yards; P2 Tricep Ext.


P1 Sprint to 2nd BB Goal and back = 120 yards; P2 Tricep Ext.


P2 Sprint to 1st BB Goal and back = 60 yards; P2 Tricep Ext.


The HOFF on Q:

Jacob’s Insane Ladder of PAIN:

Round 1:

10 Kettle Bell Swings; 1 Goblet Squat

15 Kettle Bell Swings; 2 Goblet Squats

25 Kettle Bell Swings; 3 Goblet Squats

50 Kettle Bell Swings; 30-60 count (or if you are MM; 4 Goblet Squats extra credit)

Round 2:

10 Overhead Press; 1 Goblet Squat

15 Overhead Press; 2 Goblet Squats

25 Overhead Press; 3 Goblet Squats

50 Overhead Press; 30-60 count (or if you are MM; 4 Goblet Squats extra credit)

Round 3:

10 Full Upright Row; 1 Goblet Squat

15 Full Upright Row; 2 Goblet Squats

25 Full Upright Row; 3 Goblet Squats

25 Full Upright Row/ 25 Shrugs; 30-60 count (or if you are MM; 4 Goblet Squats extra credit)

Round 4:

10 Selection Standard Merkins; 1 Goblet Squat

15 Selection Standard Merkins; 2 Goblet Squats

25 Selection Standard Merkins; 3 Goblet Squats

50 Selection Standard Merkins; 30-60 count (or if you are MM; 4 Goblet Squats extra credit)

Round 5:

10 LBC’s; 2 Turkish Get Ups

15 LBC’s; 4 Turkish Get Ups

25 LBC’s; 6 Turkish Get Ups

50 LBC’s; 30-60 count

Round 6:

10 Monkey Humpers; 1 Goblet Squat w. Press Left, 1 Goblet Squat w. Press Right

15 Monkey Humpers; 2 Goblet Squat w. Press Left, 2 Goblet Squat w. Press Right

25 Monkey Humpers; 3 Goblet Squat w. Press Left, 3 Goblet Squat w. Press Right

50 Monkey Humpers; 4 Goblet Squat w. Press Left, 4 Goblet Squat w. Press Right


Flutter w. KB Press x 20

Team 4-Point Russian Twists.  Pass KB to the left, pick up other KB to the right x 25

Team 4-Point Russian Twists.  Pass KB to the right, pick up other KB to the left x 30


Incredibly strong work out there gentlemen.  This was a much more challenging routine than it read on paper.  There wasn’t a single moment where we experienced a resting heart or breathing rate.

– Quote of the day goes to Alf, “I came here to nurse my hamstring not run”…who actually showed up at Olympus to rehab his injured hamstring thinking we wouldn’t be running that much…

– Gullah had a different agenda in mind.  He ran the snot of us…literally, there were times when BLC had to stop along the way and Mountain-Man snot rocket to clear out all that junk he picked up at the Hoover Damn – just try and avoid stepping in it, it’s kind of sticky

– Lab Rat confirmed once again that our HIIT training was a nice dose of cardio and muscle building.  It’s really nice to have a sports scientist in the group and YHC greatly appreciated his advice along the way. He leads not only by example but also shows incredible support for the Pax #trueleader

– Mighty Mite continues to never get tired…when the Pax were suppose to be resting to get the heart rate ready for the next spike, this guy was doing more goblet squats #beastmode

-Bugeater was an FNG to Olympus today…hope you liked it and we see you out here more.  Bug’s one of the F2 leaders in our region and one of the top Q’s – if you haven’t been to Hydra get your butt out there, it’s a smokefest.

-Gullah dialed us up a notch from the start and had us sucking wind 2 minutes in…this guy is becoming quite a Q #architectofpain

– Hacker and YHC used to lift in the Gym at the same time together at South Park…until it closed.  He’s the first one that told me about F3 and for that I am forever thankful…not only did be crush it in the gym, he hasn’t lost a step at all.  Great form, effort and endurance today brother

As always, it’s an honor to have the opportunity to lead you’all through a workout like this. You make being site Q’s fun

Respectfully, The Hoff and Gullah

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The Hoff author

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Lab Rat
10 years ago

Gullah and Hoff, thank you for setting a high bar and leading us over it! Ferrum Ferro Acuitur, AYE!

10 years ago

That rivals any Q I have done. Great show you put on at Olympus boys! I will be back, this definitely makes the Saturday tour list. And my muscles are thinking “I should have turned left.” Smoked, smoked, and more smoked. Can I have another order of smoked please?

10 years ago

Ahh- a good workout to loosen up the strained hamstrings. Most Dr’s would suggest rest for this sort of thing, which is why I don’t go to them. Hoff said he was going to help his sister move after the work out, which led me to 2 thoughts. 1) No way I am helping anyone move after that workout. 2) You know how many times I moved and could have used The Hoff?
If you haven’t tried Olympus, you should. Always a good group of guys and leads, never the same twice, and it hurts bad when your done.

10 years ago

Thanks to everyone for coming out. Makes it a tad easier to get through a tough workout when teaming up with such strong men!

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