Mad Scientist on the Loose at Olympus

Mad Scientist on the Loose at Olympus

When asking Liquor Cycle if he had anything planned prior to the workout, he simply answered “Nope, I didn’t have an idea of what we were going to do”…we all looked at him in complete confusion as to how he was able to put together such a beat down without any pre-planning at all.

Truth be told, both Lab Rat (who had a routine LAMINATED on paper last week to reference and The Hoff, who admit-tingly spends hours thinking of a workout routine before Q’ing madeit it puzzling to us and quite rewarding to see Liquor Cycles’ Mad Scientist Mind At Work!  He came up with everything on the spot and put together a systematic breakdown of our major muscle groups today.  There was even a time when the great Byron laid there looking like he was about to take a nap.  We left there completely smoked!

The Thang THE HOFF ON Q: 

Warm-Up Lap around the track.  At Mid-Point, Jail Break across field

Rinse and Repeat x 2

Circle of Pain

– Pax makes a wide circle.  Pax 1 grabs Bonecrusher (80 Lbs sandbag) and runs around the outside of the Pax

– When Pax 1 reaches Pax 2 – Handoff Bonecrusher and Pax2 runs around the circle and passes to Pax 3

– During the Sandbag Run Pax does continuous exercies while kicking soccer ball

– Each time Bonecrusher is passed, the Exercise changes

Round 1-12:    Single Arm Alternating Kettle Bell Swings; High Pull; Single Arm Alternating Snatch Press

Round 13-24: 2 Handed KB Swings; Overhead Press; Upright Row

Round 25-36:  Merkin Wave

Round 37-60:  Wide Merkin Wave/ Stagger Merkin Left/ Stagger Right


Round 61-84: Elbow Plank up to Regular, down to Elbow Plank, up to Regular x 50+

Close Circle Pax Amost Shoulder to Shoulder

Upright Row with Holds: P1 hold KB in upright row for 5 seconds, P2 press up and hold for 5 seconds, P3-P6 follow same format (all holding in upper motion until P6 gets to up position….Then P6-P1 working downward while Pax holds position)

Hammer Curl Holds: P1 holds KB in Mid-Hammer Curl Position for 5 seconds, P2 press up and hold for 5 seconds, P3-P6 follow same format (all holding in upper motion until P6 gets to up position….Then P6-P1 working downward while Pax holds position)

Overhead Press Holds: P1 hold upright row for 5 seconds, P2 press up and hold for 5 seconds, P3-P6 follow same format (all holding in upper motion until P6 gets to up position….Then P6-P1 working downward while Pax holds position)

Group Overhead Press: Grab KB on both sides so all Pax holing KB’s at once- Press up – FAILED

Side-Line to Sideline Partner Up CMIYC

P1 Farmer Carry Bells across field; P2 Merkins x 10…Long Jump x 10 – Rinse and repeat Merkins and Long Jump until all the way across field

Flapjack back across field for P2 to carry bells and P1 do work

P1 Farmer Carry Bells across field; P2 Deep Squats x 10…Long Jump x 10 – Rinse and repeat Deep Squats and Long Jump until all the way across field

Flapjack back across field for P2 to carry bells and P1 do work

P1 and  P2 Lunge 10 paces (P1 with KB). Stop.  Monkey Humpers x 20. P2 Carry Bell and P1 and P2 Lunge 10 paces

Rinse and repeat until all the way across field

Team 100 Reps: P1 LBC; P2 Overhead press.  When complete mosey 10 yards

Team 200 Reps:                                                                                                                                P1 LBC; P2 Overhead press.  When complete mosey 10 yards

Team 100 KB Swings Each

P1 LBC; P2 KB Swing.  When complete mosey 10 yards



Great work out there today.  It was really cold and most would have fartsacked…but you guys didn’t.  It was a lot of fun and great to have you there!

– Night Court is quite simply a specimen.  I think Lab Rat has been working on him in is secret lab, filling him up with performance enhancers or even bionic parts.  During the sets of 10 leaps, one Pax commented that we needed to change his name to “Gazelle”.  His leaps were 2 times the length of a normal man and I even heard that he can leap a building in a single bound.  If that wasn’t enough to prove his athleticism, in between sets he was low and high kicking like some kind of ninja!

– Lab Rat confirmed that HIIT Training is in FACT a cardiovascular workout and for most normal people, has greater fat burning and muscle building benefits than running or a normal kind of workout.  The maximum O2 saturation during a routine like this is extremely beneficial.  Thus validating that what we do at Olympus can be defined as Cardio/Strength/Muscle Endurance.  Thank you for the official stamp of approval…and please share with us whatever you are giving yourself and Lab Rat…you guys continue to crush it out there

– Big League Chew and The Hoff are quite simply the worst soccer players in the world.  He and I had real troubles kicking that ball around the Pax, but as always, BLC will do anything you ask of him and he always give 100%.  He may be the strongest of us all.

– Bryon said he comes to Olympus to “Shake it up” and come get “new and different ideas” for his workouts.  I’m not sure if what we do makes any sense at all and hope we had somewhat of a positive impression.  There were a few occasions (especially durring the group KB Press that he said what we were doing wasn’t going to work). I am pretty sure he would validate that what we do breaks so many rules

– Liquor Cycle is the most insane person I know, but that’s why we love him so much.  Not sure how he was able to do all those “elbows, regular, elbows, regular” because there were times when I had to cheat on the reps.  He must have the strongest triceps ever.  He didn’t miss a beat and many times the Pax were looking up wondering when it was going to STAHP!

– Hoff – Just really appreciates the men that come out for a workout at Olympus.  What we do isn’t conventional but effective and thank you for taking the time out of your day and training with us!


The Hoff

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10 years ago

I have got to post to Olympus. You guys put on quite a workout!

10 years ago

Excellent to see the “no plan Q,” Liquor Cycle. Dredd introduced me to the concept about a year ago, and I haven’t planned since. (If you know your AO, that is… you need to at least plan that.) It really frees you up to see how the PAX are responding to the intensity and up/lower it. #tclaps

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