The Greatest Hits of Kevlar – One Year Anniversary

The Greatest Hits of Kevlar – One Year Anniversary

For the launch of Kevlar one year ago the following 11 men were in attendance: Baracus, Strikeout, Countertop, Joker, Tiger Rag, Cottontail, Young Love, Strange Brew (Ruck), Header, Short Sale (aka Skywalker) and Bulldog.

With no Friday workouts scheduled in Area 51 the shovel flag was planted in the frozen tundra on 01/25/13 at Covenant Day School and so it began. “Kevlar” was named so as to be in direct competition with its Metro rival “Armor”. The goal being a boot camp workout with some bells and whistles thrown in. There have been plenty so YHC will refresh your memory:
Backcracker and his ankle bands, Tiger Rag and the blasted plates, YHC and the soccer balls, Bananas and the rocks, Spackler with the hill/tire/bear crawl combo, Busch and the pre KB’s, Deadwood and the weave, and who can forget the new year Shakeweight special!

Hope to see you tomorrow for the best bits beatdown. 0500 pre KB with epic tunes. 0530 for fartsackers and some heckling.


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Hair Band
11 years ago

One thing I have learned… Never say never.

At one point in my life I said I would never use a Shakeweight, that is a statement that can’t be said by many PAX now.

11 years ago

Hard to believe it’s been a year. And was it Wanker or Bulldog on Q that day… I can’t remember when the first ever self-approved nickname change ocurred?

Cheese Curd
11 years ago

It’s always Wanker, but he has earned Bull Dog (even if self proclaimed)

BD I am actually looking forward to the beat down. We come to expect a creative AM, I know your ready to bring it!

11 years ago

Looking forward to ending my week at Kevlar. It’s been a rough one!

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