Four hearty souls and YHC shook off the warmth and comfort of the fartsack and said yes to pain, as pain brings growth.
Mosey to lower parking lot
SSH x 21
IW x 21
MTN Climbers x 21
Pendulum Plank x 21
Wind Mills x 21
Arm/shoulder rotations x 21 (ea direction)
Low slow Squats x 21
Good Mornings x 21
Squat Jacks x 21
Stagger Merkins x 30; 15 ea arm
Two handed swings x 21
Partner up, like size KB
P1 Merkins x 9/ P2 Farmer Carry With Bells; CMIYC – flapjack until reaching neighborhood hill
24’s on the HILL
Burpees at the top of the hill x 3. Carry KB to bottom of the hill.
Renagade rows w/ KB at the bottom of the hill x 21. Leave KB, run back to top
Burpees x 6
Renagade rows x 18
Burpees x 9
Renagade rows x 15
Burpees x 12
Renagade rows x 12
Burpees x 15
Renagade rows x 9
Burpees x 18
Renagade rows x 6
Burpees x 21
Renagade rows x 3. Return w/ KB
P1 Merkins x 9/ P2 Farmer Carry With Bells; CMIYC – flapjack until reaching school parking lot
Partner back up for 66’s and sprint work. Partner 1 performs specified exercise while partner 2 sprints out and back (40 meters). Flapjack until team completes a total of 66 reps:
Triceps extension w/ KB
Two-handed swings
Goblet squats
Figure 8 with curls at top
Times up. Pencils down.
With frosty flesh and strong spirits the PAX embarked on a metabolism revving, energy draining set of exercises. YHC sought to bring an aspect of the 3rd F to this morning’s 1st F: three parts make the ONE.
We began with an invigorating COP to raise our core temperature. After a few layers were shed and left behind we set out for the neighborhood hill. 24’s on the hill sounded great as YHC concocted this morning’s bout. However, YHC was on the verge of projectile vomiting after completing 2/3 of the task. With the phase “Don’t Q what you can’t do!” ringing in my head there was no choice but to complete the task with all the strength and honor exhibited by the PAX. While on our famer-carry CMIYC back to the school a local resident muttered: “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen!” He knew CSAUP when he saw it. With little time and many plays remaining on the Weinke it was time to get back to work. With minimal mumble-chatter the PAX embraced the partner work and completed each task with all due haste.
It was an honor to lead the PAX this AM on my maiden Q. Thank you for enduring my over-reliance upon my Weinke.
-There has never yet been a [person] in our history who led a life of ease whose name is worth remembering. Theodore Roosevelt
[posted by Bugeater on behalf of Lab Rat – Congratulations Lab Rat on leading the F3 pax today!]
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