Wield the Plow, Bear the Sword

Wield the Plow, Bear the Sword

8 men gathered in the Panera at Carmel/51 for #F3TheStand to discuss Chapter 2 of The Masculine Mandate.  Simply, men are called to be men.  So…what does that mean?  What is the Bible’s mandate for masculine behavior?

The Thang

Man’s Assignment

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to keep it.” – Genesis 2:15

At its core, this verse represents our calling as men…to devote ourselves to working/building and keeping/protecting everything placed into our charge…to enhance, through cultivation and protection, what we’ve been given in order to further glorify the Creator.

Work – Wield the Plow

Adam was called to till and cultivate the garden so that it would grow and bear an abundance of fruit.  Our discussion here centered on the fact we are called to work whatever field God have given us…to wield the plow by investing our time, our energies, our ideas and our passions in brining good things into being.  As men we should be devoting ourselves to cultivating something worthwhile for the glory of God and the well-being of our fellow men.  Here we focused on who are we working for…”Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.” – Colossians 3:23-24

Do what we do sincerely and heartily to please and glorify the Lord.  This moved our discussion into the parable of three servants: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A14-30&version=NLT

We focused on and discussed 4 main points as they related to our mandate.

  • Verse 15 – “in proportion to their abilities”…if God has called us, we can accomplish it.
  • Verse 21 – the reward for responsible stewardship is greater responsibilities.
  • Verses 21 & 23 – the commendation for the servant with 2 talents was the same as for the one with 5 talents…the basis for reward is not how much we have but how faithfully we serve…what we do with who/what has been placed in our charge.
  • Verse 26 – “wicked and lazy”…what was given was not enhanced through work and cultivation.

Keep – Bear the Sword

Adam was also placed in the garden to keep it…to guard and protect it.  We are to watch over and keep safe all that the Lord has put under our care.  We discussed here that men should stand up and be counted when there is danger:

  • In our families to make sure they feel secure and at ease
  • In our churches to stand for truth and godliness
  • In our society to guard against evil and defend our nation

We must bear the sword to preserve the fruits of wielding the plow.


Some quotes from the book that resonated with us this morning:

  • “A man’s fingers should be accustomed to working the soil of the human heart – the hearts of those he serves and loves – that he might accomplish some of the most valuable and important work of this life.”
  • “God does not desire for men to stand by idly and allow harm, or permit wickedness to exert itself.”
  • “Truly great men are servants who give themselves to a worthy cause and leaders who stand for what is right.”

Wonderful discussion this morning men.  Champagne and YHC are honored to facilitate as He leads.





About the author

Purple Haze author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

This is great stuff – going to have to make the M drive the kids to school soon so I can participate.

11 years ago

Aye – I second that.

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