Buddy Up

Buddy Up

The VSF was planted. 22 men, with a 23rd joining us at some point in the dark gloom, set out for another Wednesday morning hike through Death Valley.

The Thang:

Prior to launch, the pax partnered up with someone of similar fitness level….or that was the goal anyway.  Throughout the 45 minutes, the pax was exhorted to not leave their buddy from COP to COT.  More on that in the Moleskine.

Jog to track for warmup lap


20 Rockhoppers (IC)

20 Squats (IC)

15 Groiners (IC)

15 H-R Merkins (IC)

Mosey back to track.

4 laps of 4 corners of the following exercises:

Lap 1: Jump Squat x 13

Lap 2: Partner hand-slap merkins x 13

Lap 3: Burpees x 13

Lap 4: Decline merkins x 7 (alt. corners – partners feet on back of planking partner)

Plank when finished after each lap.

Mosey to football field

Lunge walk across width of football field

Burpee broad jump 1/2 way across field

Bear crawl the other 1/2 of field

Jog back to launch lot

Prairie Fire Mary – 10L, 10C, 10R. Flapjack.

20 old school sit-up’s while partner planks with hands on feet.  Flapjack.

People’s Chair – back-to-back with partner

Flutter x 13 (IC).  Hold it for 90 seconds.



Immediately prior to launch, YHC noticed one of the pax still in his car.  Thought it was a thin-skinned pax rethinking the post in the cold, so YHC ran over only to discover it was Strange Brew – who has endured temps the likes of which the rest of the 22 pax have never even imagined.  DK saved you the LIFO label though Brew!

TR was especially anxious to get moving.  Great work by the pax.  Tried to keep us moving and didn’t hear much talk once we got moving, so O2 deprivation was at least partially the reason. Appreciate Fletch -my partner and fellow MudRun #closetalker waiting on his buddy at a few of the corners.

Some of the pax were donning headlamps, and they were useful today.  It was darker than normal for some reason.  Stars out but no moon?

Good to have Cheese Curd back out among the pax – Kotters.  And T-claps to Prohibition who has been posting machine since his FNG post just a couple weeks ago.

It’s a new year men – remember to keep EH’ing the sadclowns in your world.  They need this just as much as we did…and we still do for that matter.

YHC’s repeated exhortation to “stay with your buddy” comes from Lone Survivor.  I’m almost finished with the book (and will be prior to Friday night – see announcements).  It’s a powerful story. Marcus Luttrell’s love for and commitment to his SEAL team buddies is what has gripped me the most; even more so than the crazy training they endured, and the harrowing and ultimately deadly operation they undertook in the Afghanistan mountains while going after the Taliban crazies.

Grateful for Stagecoach tapping me to Q at Death Valley, and even more thankful for our brotherhood in F3 – Aye!


Lone Survivor movie Friday night at Cinebarre-Arboretum.  Happy hour at 7pm at Vintners.  Movie at 8:30pm.  Bring cash/check (no credit cards).  Don’t pay at booth – pay at table outside our reserved theater.

Also, for those who were at The Fort convergence and Joe Davis Run last Saturday and didn’t chip in – bring cash Friday night to defray cost of onsite coffeeteria.  Any profits will go to the Run’s charity: Keystone Substance Abuse Center.

Saturday morning at all Area51 AOs –> The Murph.  Post…and EH a buddy.

HDHH tonight at The Lodge at 6pm.

Rebel Yell Thursday – new location – Stonecrest.  Same AO as Wednesday’s The Maul.



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Hops author

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Cheese Curd
11 years ago

Thanks Hops! Good to be back, but why so cold. I am from WI but 10 years of “decent ” weather here has made me soft. However, not TR…dude, don’t feel bad about wrapping up the guns or covering those legs of yours!
To my mud run partner, Header…dude you continue to set the pace thanks!

Too much travel in Dec, hope to see more of you in the gloom in 2014!

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