

Six Brave Men faced the Polar Vortex Head On with determination, fearlessness and multiple layers.  Here’s what we did in the 8 degree temps.

The Thang:

In the Parking Lot for double time COP – exercises in quick count cadence

SSH x 40

Mtn Climbers x 25

Pax were given their instructions following the brief COP – First the destination was presented _ McAlpine Elementary (home of #dayzero) 2.25 miles from FastTwitch Post.  There would be 4 checkpoints along the way where each Pax would return to the Last Man and continue on to the next checkpoint.  Front Runners got in extra mileage while keeping all Pax within shouting distance.  The Four Stops were as follows:

  • Davie Park Entrance
  • Rea Road
  • Elm Lane
  • Carswell Lane (Entrance to McAlpine Ele)

Once we reached our destination – Upper Body Beatdown would commence with 3 circuits of 3 exercises at 30 Reps each.  30 Decline Merkins, 30 Triceps Dips, 30 Incline Merkins.  Sprinkling of Mary (25 LBC and 25 Flutters) between Sets to allow the muscles brief recovery.

Return home with same Four Stops to bring the Pax together while still allowing everyone to go at their own pace.



Let me start by saying that mornings like today are why F3 works so well for so many people.  Despite wind chills below zero – men around our area are compelled to wake up before 5am and post along other likeminded men looking to improve themselves and those around them.  The accountability within F3 is special and all three F’s were evident this morning.  The Fitness end was pretty obvious – Men weighed down by layers and less oxygen than usual were pushing it this morning.  The Fellowship was clear with a great deal of positive reinforcement along the way.  The Faith was brought to light with an eloquent and powerful send off from Purple Haze, thanks brother.

As far as the workout itself this morning – it was hard.  The Pax made quick work of the mileage to and from McAlpine Elementary along the Hwy 51 Corridor.  It became very apparent that the chest and triceps were O2 Deprived during the circuits with muscle failure coming faster than usual.  The incline merkins which were supposed to be more active recovery than the prior two exercises, proved to be excruciating.  Lots of grunting on the last 10 reps during each round.  Favorite moment was when Rock Thrill announced an impromptu 10 count after the second set – which was very well received.  Frasier and Turkey Leg pushed the pace on the return flight with the rest of the pax working hard to keep up.  Soul Glow was bringing it on the backstretch as well with Haze and Rock Thrill both digging deep this morning.  We all ended up in the Parking Lot together after a job well done.  Following the COT – Turkey Leg had a very impressive SweatSicle hanging off the side of his hat – #polarsweat.  A pleasure and an honor to lead the men of FastTwitch.

Announcements:  Lone Survivor Movie Friday Night and Murph Workouts Saturday (see weekly email for details).






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Fletch author

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Purple Haze
11 years ago

Not my most efficient run this morning but a good one nonetheless. As with all F3 workouts, I got better today. Want to run faster, run with faster people.

I didn’t think it was possible but I do believe I over-layered. I felt like I was in a furnace during the upper body beatdown. Perhaps I should have gone skins instead.

Fletch, great workout and an eloquently written backblast!

Purple Haze
Reply to  Purple Haze
11 years ago

Also, I can’t believe I was War Daddy this morning. #old. Chelms, get your butt back out to Fast Twitch.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Purple Haze
11 years ago

Glad to let you have the WD award. The fartsack was nice and warm although I did get out this am and get a taste of the cold. I think it was worse last Friday since there was no wind this am. I’ll be back next week.

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