Do a Good Burpee Daily

Do a Good Burpee Daily

Posted on behalf of Jamboree (who went short sleeves and shorts in the 26 degree chill)

19 pax  upheld the Boy Scout slogan (“Do a Good Deed Daily”)  this morning by assembling in the 26 degree gloom for some quiet pain.



Run .5 miles to Carmel Rd. Post Office

On the way – do two sets of 24 “knees to the ground” lunges

COP in field in front of Post Office

Cadence Count of the following:

12 Merkins

12 Mountain climbers

12 Peter Parkers

12 Freddy Mercury

Proceed to the 4 Pain Stations situated around the Post Office. After finishing each station, run to the next one.

Round 1

1)      Bear crawl up the grassy knoll and do 12 Hand Release Burpees

2)      24 Jump Squats

3)      36 Rock Hoppers

4)      48 Russian Twists

Round 2

1)      Bear crawl up the grassy knoll and do 12 Hand Release Burpees

2)      24 Diamonds

3)      36 Squats

4)      48 LBCs

Mosey to Panera Parking Lot

Hand Release Burpee Ladder – 12 all the way down to 1. One group starts in the parking lot and one group starts at top of stairs. Run the stair circuit six times until all the burpees are done. A couple of minutes of Plank work was led by Hops and Long Distance.

Run back to Catholic for the COT

Total number of hand release burpees for workout was 102


Impressive work by the pax this morning. Not much mumblechatter, but it might have been because the pain was being delivered by one of the least vociferous pax. YHC hopefully delivered some quiet pain. Initial feedback is that pain was sufficiently delivered (especially with the hands free burpee ladder). We did a little more running than usual at Centurion (which Bratwurst was thankful for).

Long Distance was sporting his snappy jogging suit again. It must have inspired him because he had the pax crying for mercy when leading the “J Lo” during some plank work. YHC is very thankful for all the encouragement for his first “full” Q. Look forward to leading again soon.

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Hops author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

Jamboree- Great first full lead. The hands free burpee ladder had me struggling to get off the ground near the end. I noticed Hops outfit appeared to include multiple layers (#toasty) and was likely the reason for him running even slower than usual. Long Distance is no longer allowed to call out an exercise (except when he has the Q).

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

Touche – They were handing them out at Bobcats (soon to be Hornets) game. I can hook you up if needed as I grabbed a hand full when I went #dontwasteafreebie. Maybe we can make a trade for some of those 30 year old camo pants you sport all the time

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