Runing and Exercising at Fast Twitch

Runing and Exercising at Fast Twitch

8 Men of South Charlotte shook the cobwebs to face the 5:15am running intensive workout known as Fast Twitch.

The Thang

Warm up loop around Parking Lot with High Knees, Butt Kickers and Shuffles thrown in to adequately warm up the legs.  SUV pulled in during the warm up so we circled up to await the straggler, more on that later.

COP – All exercises performed in Cadence

  • Side Straddle Hop x 30
  • Peter Parker x 20
  • Parker Peter x 20
  • Imperial Walker x 25

Run Hard from Parking Lot to Davie Park (approx .5 mile) – Plank it up in the parking lot to regroup

Full Body Circuit Work – perform set number of reps of given exercise with a Hard Run down to the Entry Gate and Back around Parking Lot following each exercise

Exercises Performed – 10 Pull ups – Run – 20 Merkins – Run – 30 Squats – Run- 40 LBC’s – Run

So much fun the first time – lets do it Again (Repeato Por Favor) – Same Exercises/Same number of Reps

Grab Some Wall once you complete two cycles of the circuit and get comfortable.  After a few minutes of Wall Sit – audible for Reverse Plankarama

Hard Run Back to South Charlotte Middle (Approx .5 mile)  – Plankarama at the parking lot entrance

Line it up for AYG Sprints End to End of Parking Lot with Little baby Jog to recover between Sprints

Circle up for 5 Minutes of Mary – Dolly x 25 – Oblique Crunch Left x 20 – Oblique Crunch Right x 20 – Flutter x 30 – THATS ALL FOLKS


A picture perfect morning for a Fast Twitch workout.  Many of the Pax were shedding layers when they realized it was nearly 50 degrees at the start.  The initial plan was to leave campus for the COP, however, a Tahoe pulled in at 5:17 so we decided to continue the warm up in the parking lot to allow our late arrival to join us.  We completed the COP and the person was still in the car – another vehicle pulled in and abruplty exited the parking lot which again raised a few eyebrows.  Maybe the pax detered an early morning rendevous, or perhaps upon seeing the group that assembled the tardy onlooker decided it best to sit this one out – either way we were glad to see all of our cars still in the parking lot when we returned.

YHC was looking to inflct a full body beatdown today so a series of exercises with hard runs in between were the order of the day.  Frasier and Chelms led the way in the cuircut and all of the pax were pushing themselves to go faster – excellent work by all of the men this morning.  Hope everyone was sweating as much as I was – its always nice to break a good sweat in December.  Great pace on both trips to and from the Park – we definitely covered some ground out there in short order.  Thank you Chelms (AKA Tater Tot) for sending us off in the ball of man.

Announcements – Please visit the Website for the many F3 things going on in and around Charlotte and see the Weekly email for additional area51 information.  Great work being done by the men of F3.

Holiday Party at TR’s on 12/7 – See Evite for Info and sign up sheet.  Bring a bag of Can Goods and Carpool if you can.






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Fletch author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

Good to see you didn’t need the iPhone camera to record the PAX. I knew you could do it with only 8 in attendance. Need at least 12 before allowed to bring out the digital stenographer.

Purple Haze
11 years ago

Nice lead Fletch…a solid workout indeed. Also…Go Cocks! #5Peat

I took full advantage of the warm up run down to Davie and paced myself ahead of Fraiser…in other words, it was actually all out for me and a warm up for him. Once he went around me and I fell out of the lead lap on the circuit, it became all about points for finishing for me.

Definitely a good group of runners out there this morning, which is always good for pushing me to keep up.

11 years ago

Wall sits? What are these you speak of? Oh wait, you are talking about the exercise successfully renamed the “Semi Gloss”. Get it right Fletch!

Sorry I missed this one fellas. My body was still recovering from a 2 day binge following the #5Peat.

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