19 of the south Charlotte strong pax joined up to sling the KB iron around.
The Thang:
SSH x 20
Slow Squat x 15
IW x 20
Merkins x 15
Jack Bell:
Round 1: 1 x Snatch and press- alt arms; 4x 2-hand swing, climb the ladder to 5 and 20 reps
Round 2: 1 x Goblet squat; 4x Good mornings; climb the ladder to 5 and 20 reps
Round 3: 1 x Renegade row; 4x plyo merkin on kb- alt arms; climb the ladder to 5 and 20 reps
Mosey to lower lot
Count off by 4’s and time for circuit stations
Station 1: Overhead pull press x 20
Station 2: 2 Hand swing overhead until pax from st. 1 show up then move to st 2
Station3: Sumo squat to press until pax from st 2 show up then move to st 3
Station 4: KB pirate ship swing until pax from st 3 show up then move to st 1.
Rotate through only one time: took too long; audible
Head back up to flag pole; circle up for mary jack bell?
1 x Louganis 4x bicycle wiht kb press up to 6 and 24 reps
KB Dolly x 20
Flutter kick x 20
KB twist x 20
The Thang always looks good on the Weinke and in YHC’s mind but doesn’t always translate on game day. Will need to rethink the tag team circuits.
Jack Webb with the KB= Jack Bell? Hey, you can try anything with the 1 x A; 4 x B and it should hurt. Good mornings included in this. The pax will feels those hammies tomorrow.
BLC has a heavy bell, not sure how much it weighs due to that silly metric system. Just know it’s heavy.
Witnessed Horsehead wrestling that 40lb KB on the mosey back to the flagpole. YHC thinks he liked it. #gettingstronger
Great group out there today that put up with my creativity even though it may have failed. TR would not have been so kind. #Qnazi
Annoucements: Christmas Party at TR’s haus this Sat. Park some where, Ruck in with your appetizer and fireman carry your M.
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