The Outlaws Head South

The Outlaws Head South

31 men ventured out into the Area 51 #blackout gloom and crushed the #F3DMZ.  Here is a little something about what went down.

the Thang:

Mosey to Carmel Middle #blackout

COP in the world’s largest bus lot

20x SSH – 12x Merkin – 12x Mtn Climber – 12x Merkin

Something Terrible: Bear crawl lot – run grassy berm – burpees at the fence – take it back. Rinse and Repeat 5x with 5, 10, 15, 10 and 5 burpees

Climb (or barrel roll) over the football field fence

The Beast: Merkins – Jump Squats – Knee Ups – Diamonds – LBCs (intermission) – Burpees

AYG 100yd sprint – 4x

15x merkins

Mosey back to home base



Make note that Duke has not yet made its way down Camilla Dr, total blackout, which made for an adventurous stroll to Carmel Middle.  BF and Cindy expectedly pushing the pace.

Everyone’s favorite Hungover Diplomat made mention of the seven workouts he respectfully saluted during his journey down to A51, hope you found your way home brother.  Be sure to thank your boy Lloyd again for the burpee elbow drop during the beast.  Incognito twins coming to a location near you; a must see #gigglepunches

Hitman was there and still loving on the Auburn Nation. #wareagle brother, we love the support.

Some questionable burpee form out there today during the Beast, YHC understands that it was late in the game, so we will address this at another time.  Just don’t ask the #beekeeper.

The outlaws brought their A games today, well most of them, Q is spent #dingding.  Thanks again Skywalker for the invite to lead this crew at DMZ, surprisingly very little mumblechatter – hope you fellas enjoyed what went down.

F3 website is blowing up with content.  Many 2ndF events as we roll into Christmas and unlimited opportunities to make an impact within the community.



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Swamp Fox author

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11 years ago

No mumblechatter with Dredd, Hitman, Cindy and BF among the pax?! Strange. Sorry I missed your Q at my normal Monday spot Swamp Fox.
Good luck to your Tigers vs. Mizzou…suspect you have a lot of friends from St. Louis area that love Mizzou.

Tango Delta
11 years ago

Looks like a great morning down in the Southland! Wish I could have participated in yet another killer Foxy lead. With that said, shouldn’t at least one of the self-titled “Outlaws” be able to sing at least one Willie, Merle, or Waylon song upon request? Perhaps, In-laws would be a more appropriate moniker. Just sayin…

Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin
11 years ago

No self-titling of anything here, #ThadBusby. Smoke city down there in Waxhaw today from Swamp, with all the chatter coming from the visitors. Though Swamp put the hurt on #JeanClaude…even the #marathonpants and beret couldn’t help him through the bear crawls. A silent Dredd is eerie. Don’t worry, Harry will get his…#MachoMan. I’ll leave the country music to the rednecks.

Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

Swamp brought it as usual but DMZ crew was ready. Not quite all the way to Waxhaw so maybe BF made a wrong turn somewhere and took the long way to get to a location used by Metro on Wednesday. There was plenty of chatter until we got to the beast, including the discussion about geldings during (or just after) the fence jump – thought Cindy might leave at that point for fear of what might come next.

Flutie Flakes
11 years ago

My first DMZ and it was awesome. I knew we were in for it when the “mosey” was at about a 7:15 pace. See ya next Monday!

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