The Grind

The Grind

Five Men of SPEARHEAD met up on the 50-yard line at Carmel Middle School’s football field ready to grind out an hour of good, hard work.


1 mile warm up run (no ruck)

2 minutes max Selection Standard push-ups (55 goal)
2 minutes max Selection Standard sit-ups (50 goal)

50 Squat Presses with Ruck
– Sprint to far sideline and back

50 Lunges Ruck Overhead (single leg count)
(2 sets of 25)
– Sprint to far sideline and back

30 Rolling Merkins under ruck
(2 sets of 15)
– Bearcrawl to far sideline and sprint back

50 Plank Jacks (no ruck)
– Sprint to far sideline and back

50 8-Count Body Builders under ruck
(3 sets: 10 slow/10 quick/10 fast cadence)
– Sprint to far sideline
(1 set: 10 fast cadence)
– Sprint back
(1 set: 10 quick/fast cadence)

200 meter cool down run (no ruck)

25 Flutter Kicks, hold rucks up (or press) (in cadence)
20 Hello Dollys, hold rucks up (or press) (in cadence)
2 minutes of Ruck Situps (sandbag situps)



Today was just a total grind. Lots and lots of reps and lots of hard work. The pax just put their heads down and did the work. No griping, no complaining, just good, hard, strong work by every man. You men are inspirational with how hard you work and how consistently you show up knowing the work is going to hurt and seemingly never end. 50 reps of any exercise is just plain old hard.

50 8-count body builders. Under ruck. Ok, so, on the low end that was ambitious. On the high end that was just stupid. Doing them as fast as we did was idiotic. But damn if you guys didn’t keep up. Amazing. And it’s a complete testament to your integrity and dedication that when I told you after 40 reps that I had planned for 50 total reps all of you walked back to the sideline and said “let’s finish it.” #goosebumps

There was a good bit of chatter in COT about just how difficult it is to do push-ups and sit-ups to the Selection Standards, but I promise each and every one of you that performing consistently to The Standard is to your long-term benefit. You are growing stronger and more powerful each and every time you hold yourself to The Standard and accept no substitutes. I admire your honesty about admitting not only how many push-ups/sit-ups you were able to complete but also about how many you estimated would have actually met The Standard.

Kotters to Bob The Builder coming back to SPEARHEAD after being on IR for a few weeks. Glad you’re healed up and ready to ruck!

It’s always an honor to lead you fine men.

By The Standard,

About the author

Dora author

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The Hoff
11 years ago

Nice work guys! Would have been there if I didn’t get home at 1:30 last night. Traffic leaving the game was unreal. Slept right through the alarm and struggling today. At least I have a better excuse than some, being that I was actually at the game and not watching it on TV. See you gents Friday

BTB (Bob The Builder)
BTB (Bob The Builder)
Reply to  Dora
11 years ago

BTB was there.

BTB (Bob The Builder)
BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

Great work today, Dora. I didn’t even wear my ruck and I couldn’t keep up. You guys are beasts.

Also there was a funny comment made by Liquor Cycle before the workout that may not be appropriate for this website, but it was hilarious. We all know what it was.

The Hoff
11 years ago

T Claps to you guys who went to the game and posted! My fartsack was well deserved!

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