Keep moving, there’s Iron to swing

Keep moving, there’s Iron to swing

22 pax decided to not fartsack and come out for a kettle bell beat down. Skunkworks does not hold back and will punch you when your down but then again who is going to mess with a bunch of guys swinging some iron around.
Grab your bell and jog to church entrance do said exercise and move.
SSH x25 in cadence
Grab KB jog to speed bump, good morning x25 in cadence
Run to buses. 20 Merkins left hand on bell. Lunge walk. 20 Merkins right hand on bell lunge walk
IW x25 in cadence. KB swing x25 in cadence
Run to bushes. 20 Merkins left hand on bell. Lunge walk. 20 Merkins right hand on bell. Lunge walk
LBC x 25 in cadence. Alternating KB swings x25
Run to church. 20 regular Merkins. Jog to next station. 15 full KB swings in cadence. Russian twists x 20 in cadence.
Jog to parking lot and partner up for said exercise, cumulative.
100 KB curls. 100 KB upright rows. 50 tricep press. 50 pullovers. 100 chest press with legs 6″
Jog back start and with some extra time, 10 spartan Burpees with KB press OYO.

Great work by all the pax. YHC tried to keep it moving and the heart rate up. Hopefully this was accomplished. We started with 22 and ended with 21. It was not known until the end that wolfman escaped but sure at what point. But then again, it was a full moon and I thought I heard some howling. But like I said, who is going to mess with a bunch of guys throwing some iron around. Iron Sharpens Iron. Thanks for allowing to lead everyone thru the gloom.

Check the website: Christmas party, thanksgiving convergence

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Crabcake author

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Strange Brew
10 years ago

Well led Crabcake, definitely like the up tempo, you were a kettle bell swinging mad man, good thing Tiger Rag upped the reps near the end though, you had a strong effort using his 45lb bell.

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