An early Thanksgiving helping of 10 lb. plates of pain

An early Thanksgiving helping of 10 lb. plates of pain

The SF was planted by Escargot, who’s off the DL and back at it; and 17 men including a surprisingly punctual Wolfman set out for another Friday assault on Centurion.


Quick jog around the CCHS Cougar football stadium and to the far parking lot for COP.

Seal Jacks x 25

Hand-release Merkins x 25

Squats x 25

Lunge walks up hill to road

High knees then butt-kickers to the aquatic center lot

Partner up (size matters – apparently not to Frasier – see Moleskine)

Mosey to bottom of lot

Wheelbarrow with partner to top; Plankorama; Mosey to bottom and Flapjack

Partner carry to top; Plankorama; Mosey to bottom and Flapjack

Mosey to bottom

Backwards bear crawl to top of lot; plankorama

Hops hands off the Q to Udder

Indian run from aquatic center to Panera
Circle up. Count off by 4.
4×4 relay
Zone 1 – bottom stairs panera. Run stairs w/coupon (10 lb plate); lunge walk w/coupon overhead to zone 2
Team member 1 passes baton/coupon to team member 2; then plankorama and BTW for some
Zone 2 – duck walk/coupon to stairs to zone 3
Team member 2 passes coupon to team member 3; then People’s Chair
Zone 3 – hair burner to light pole
Team member 3 passes coupon to team member 4; then Mary
Zone 4 – Inch worm to stairs.
We’re late, so quick jog back down 51 through front entrance to CCHS and back to lot
YHC simply warmed up the pax for Udder to bring the pattern-interrupting coupon-infused pain. The backwards uphill bear crawl was it’s usual crowd-pleasing self; but it must be noted that Mermaid, who had never done this, was a crazy beast on that.  Safe to say he did it faster than some of the pax can sprint forward up the hill.  T-claps brother.
Also – welcome to One-Eye, who was FNG to Centurion – he was getting after it for sure.
Best humor of the morning was when Frasier somehow got partnered with The Worm – not much slows Frasier down as we all know….but carrying The Worm noticeably cooled those Frasier jets. Pretty sure The Worm was telling him to hurry-up the whole way.  War Daddy ain’t got time for that.
Abacus torched the field on the inch worm.  Impressive brother.
One other thing to note: Jamboree continues to go without sleeves regardless of the sub-zero temps.  TR is so proud of you.
Great to have Escargot off the DL & T-claps to all the pax for pushing yourselves.  Missed some of the Centurion regulars who were doing the fartsack Thunder Road taper this morning.  We did pray for you guys to close out the COT.
Signup for the Joe Davis 5k in Fort Mill on 1/4/14.
Christmas Party at Chez TR on 12/7 – let Baracus know if you haven’t’ gotten the invite.
Thanksgiving Convergence at The Rock (Calvary Church) from 7-8 AM.  No Hydra, Rebel Yell or Devil’s Turn.
See website, Twitter, Email, etc., etc., etc. for other announcements.
Mud Run odds have been moving in Vegas…..apparently lots of folks are putting $$$ on CloseTalkers who opened at 1000:1 odds.

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11 years ago

In my excitement to lead, I obfuscated the workout with to many instructions. I should take a page from Long Distance and make everyone, SUFFER!!! Thanks for putting up with my hair-brain schemes. Next time we’ll see what my udder-ly demented mind comes up with.

11 years ago

I am guessing the surprisingly punctual is meant to be me. Wingman: He of many names this week.

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