15 (yes 15) men, a good mix of Area 51 and Metro pax, decided to brave the wintry conditions and head out for some Ace and Gary frolicks. Spackler was not a happy camper with his 11 at Death Valley meaning that The Charge topped the SCLT pax charts just 2 weeks in!
Ace (Double D’s) as Q.
Moly around lot waiting for stragglers.
10 burpees on your own.
Jog around track with butt kicks, karaokes, high knees etc
On field start at goal line.
Sprint 20 yards do 10 merkins length of field. Sprint back.
Repeato with LBC’s.
Partner wheel barrows length of field switching every 10 yards.
Piggy back partner to 50 and flapjack.
Gary (Bulldog) on Q
Burpee ladder with 1 burpee at beginning and 1 on 10 yard line.
Increase each 10 yards adding burpee each time all way to 50 and back.
Mosey to stadium steps.
Partner 1 – sprint steps and back down
Partner 2 – decline merkins until partner 1 returns
Repeat 3 times
Partner 1 – sprint up steps
Partner 2 – tricep dips
Repeat 3 times
Partner 1 – sprint up steps
Partner 2 – bench jumps
Repeat 3 times
Partner 1 – sprint up steps
Partner 2 – decline merkins with shoulder touches
Mosey to parking lot
Wide arm merkins in cadence x 13
LBC’s x 21
Stagger arm merkins x 8 each side
Backscratcher abs x 25
Diamond merkins x 10
Oblique LBC’S x 13 each side
10 burpees OYO
With the lure of an Ace and Gary type workout on the pre blast 15 very secure males ventured onto the icy PDS campus ready for what the English Q’s had in store. Sadly the school’s maintenance staff failed to turn on the heated track in time for the 0530 start. Not to worry though as Double D’s got the body heat flowing with some good partner work involving piggy backs and wheelbarrows. “Screw the side straddle hops” was the call as the temperatures called for more vigorous exercises getting up close and personal.
YHC took the reigns and headed for the stadium steps with a montage of bodyweight exercises coupled with stadium step sprints. A few lads had to grab the rails on the way down due to some serious O2 deprivation but all made it through. Hats off to Mutt (Eric H) for being the only PDS staff member along with DD’s to venture out so far. Kudos also to Snookie and Doctor X for digging deep and also to Horsehead who is in his element at The Charge and appreciate you not spilling the merlot on the posh track.
With The Hoff lined up to Q next week it may be another light morning for Spackler and the DV crew.
Cheers lads and keep a coming.
BD and DD’s
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