Skunkworks Dosey Doe

Skunkworks Dosey Doe

24 men stood in the cold, wondering what we would do once the kettlebells clanged together and found their like partner…the usual start of Farmers carry around Christ Covenant?…Nope.  Mosey to the parking lot while racking your bells for some hill work?…Nope.  Just walk 20 yards to the grass, circle up with your partner, and we didn’t move more than 10 feet in any direction, but the bells were a definately moving!  Here’s the thang:

Note: Because of those that showed up late, Q audibled and we just did a few burpees (everyone’s favorite) while waiting…nice way to spend a bit of free time!  Another change of plans due to Brown showing up late, we did some SSHs, but it started to go on forever because he was stretching beside his car and enjoyed showing up fashionably late to the party as usual…typical Georgia fan, it’s all about him!

1:00 – 30 seconds of Double kettlebell bent-over rows and 30 seconds of Deep Merkins on the bells while partner does single leg squats (Flapjack)
1:00 – 30 seconds of Chest Flys on back and 30 seconds of Overhead Pullovers on back while partner does burpees (Flapjack)
1:00 – 30 seconds of Double Bell Shoulder Presses and 30 seconds of Deep Merkins on the bells while partner does single leg squats (Flapjack)
1:00 – 30 seconds of Double or Single Upright Rows and 30 seconds of Single Bell Front Shoulder Raises while partner does burpees (Flapjack)
1:00 – 30 seconds of Double or Single Bell Bicep Curls and 30 seconds of Overhead Bell Tricep Extensions while partner does Diamond Merkins and Military Merkins (Flapjack)
1:00 – Abs
Repeat 3x

Finish with a nice rendition of the Protractor that went on for quite some time…the PAX seemed to get a decent workout, the mumble chatter was pretty much none since we got to it fast and furious and the partners without the bells were stuck with burpees.  Great way to start out the morning with 24 tough men waking early to improve themselves with a shared vision to be better men and to lead well!

Thank you for the honor to Q!

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Harley author

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11 years ago

Nice lead Busch. Feeling that one already. Instead of Browns extended warm up between the cars just don a Cottonmouth catsuit under your Bear Grylls zip-pants and you can jump right in #toastyfromthegetgo

11 years ago

Rome wasn’t built in a day my friend! It would take you plenty of time to look as good as I do! Leave it up to a Clemson grad not to be able to tell time on a digital watch…it was easily 5:28am! Thanks for the 47 minute beatdown!

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