A New Level

A New Level

(Ed.’s Note: If you’re on the fence about coming over and trying out SPEARHEAD, don’t be. It’s a somewhat different workout format, and really is a lot of fun, but if you can handle any other F3 workout, you’re more than capable of crushing it out on the fields with us. You don’t even need a ruck. We’d love to have you!)

Sick Q delivers sick workout to 7 pax…it was sick.

Meet up on the field, lie out the toys, pop the Pantera tape in, hit play and…


400 meter warm up mosey.

Return to sideline for…

Station work:

– Decline Merkin Walk
– Ruck Curls
– Merkins on kbells
– Ruck Tricep Press
– Man-maker Merkins w/10lb. dbells
– Overhead Ruck Lunge
– Front Ruck Squat

One pax traverses the two sideline benches on a Decline Merkin Walk while the rest of the pax do AMRAP at the other 6 stations. 2 complete rounds of all 7 exercises, no rest between sets. Approximately 60 seconds on each station…with Music Trivia for extra credit.

Move to 50 yard line with rucks and set up for evolutions. Do the following for time, as many as possible.

– 20x ruck cleans
– 20x ruck situps
– 240 yard sprint with ruck
– Rinse. Repeat.

Grab toys and head back to the parking lot for COT.


Coming off a seven-day cold and still hacking up chain link fence parts YHC was smoked before the smokin’ even started. 45 minutes of self-inflicted sad times. But the pax looked lean and mean in their winter gloom gear and were chewing up the work and spitting it back out on the field time and again.

Strong work on the evolutions by everyone. YHC was able to complete 3 evolutions in the allotted time, but I know every single other pax did more than that…way more in some cases. Impressive. Feel free to boast in the comments of the number of evolutions you completed. You earned the right.

Great to be back out with my SPEARHEAD brothers again, it’s been too long. Thanks for bearing with me through a tough Q.


Here’s today’s extra credit music trivia. Correct answers earned the pax a warm and fuzzy feeling.
– What state does the band Pantera hail from. (Texas)
– What city does the lead singer hail from. (New Orleans)
– T/F Pantera got their start as a glam metal band. (True)
– T/F The name Pantera means “heavy metal” in Spanish. (False, it means panther)
– T/F The original members of Pantera are planning a reunion tour for February of 2014. (False, their original guitarist, Darrell Abbott, died in 2007 after being shot by a mentally unstable fan during a performance)


USMC Birthday/Veterans Day Ruck in NoCo on Sunday 11/10. See The Hoff for details. All are welcome, ruck or no ruck.

By The Standard,

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Dora author

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10 years ago

Great job today, Dora. Thank you. Hope you get rid of the rest of the chain link fence too. Angler

10 years ago

Sorry I missed you guys! Ill be back out there on Tuesday!

The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

I think my symptoms have gone away, as the healthy dose of DORA was all the medicine I needed! Great Q as always and strong work out there. I believe I completed 4 rounds and made it to the sit ups on round 5…Check Point was the Beast out there leading the whole time. See you guys on Sunday!!

10 years ago

Pantera makes good bread.

Iron Horse
10 years ago

Good one as always from Dora and the Spearhead Band. Hoping to make a return appearance one of these weeks. The Packer-Bear game made me physically I’ll for the rest of the week. Remember boys: No running with weights!

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