Not a pretty view this morning from the summit of North Face

Not a pretty view this morning from the summit of North Face

The shovel flag was planted, and after waiting on late-comers Lost Weekend and Red Card – 14 men set out on another humpday Anvil excursion.

The Thang:

Jog 1/4 mile to the far end of campus for COP


Peter Parkers x20

Hand Release Merkins x20 (tired of seeing head-bobbin’ 1/2 merkins)

Seal Jacks x 20

Parker Peters x 20

Squats x 20

Jog through the gloom to the bottom of North Face.

Run up NF as quickly as possible.

Plankorama at top

Run back down/around to bottom of NF again.  14 pax bravely stared up the steep ascent again, and only YHC and PH knew what was to come…..

Backwards Bear Crawl up NF — 14 pax not so bravely staring down NF, arse-first up the monster hill (more to come in Moleskine)

Plankorama at top

CDDs x 20 (apparently this is to be a shoulder-smokin’ workout)

Jog to wall in front of gym

People’s Chair with 25 push presses

Wall Walks (BTW) 1/2 way down the wall

Dragon Walk Merkins down the prescription turf hill

People’s Chair with hands extended overhead and out front

Mosey to parking lot

Plank challenge for 5ish minutes: plankorama with 10 hand-release merkins on the minute

Sprint 50 yards down & Sprint 50 yards back – 4.5x with following Mary exercises afters sprints 2, 4, 6 & 8:

Dolly x 13

Slow Flutter x 13

Freddy Mercury x 13

Windshield Wipers x 10

Jog to entrance road

Lunge Walks, High Knees, Karaoke L & R, Backwards Run back to launch point

10 burpees OYO to finish


Pretty confident saying the pax got their money’s worth this morning.  The backwards bear crawl up NorthFace was as unsavory as it sounds.  Must credit Purple Haze with planting that seed in YHC’s mind the day before.  Planned to do it 2x, but audibled instead…but we’ll do this one again.

Didn’t really intend to do a shoulder-heavy workout, but that’s what happened.

Gummy and PH were their normal witty selves as we traversed the campus.  Strong work by all the pax today.  Hacksaw getting stronger and stronger – T-claps & keep it up brother.  Agony & Fletch were flying on the sprint work.

Must admit I struggled with Red Card’s name in name-o-rama….but figured it out without the help of everyone’s favorite British interpreter – Bulldog.

Great prayer by Baracus to close things out.

Always love Q’ing fellas.  Thankful for the opportunity given by Baracus & Young Love.  Thankful, too, for the real brotherhood that’s formed amongst the Pax.


Praise God & congratulations to Radar and M. Radar on the birth of their 3rd child – Molly Jane Conder — “MJ”.  Word is she favors her mother….and YHC can confidently speak for all the pax in saying we’re all grateful for that!

Sign-up for USMC Mud Run – April 12, 2014 – Nov. 13 deadline – don’t need a team – we’ll find you one.

3rd F workouts – check email and website.  All are welcome at any of the 4 A51 workouts – Aftermath (W), The Yardstick (Th), Compass (F) & The Stand (F).

Joe Davis Memorial Resolution 5k Run – Sat. Jan. 4, 2014 – signup!  Convergence at The Fort, then coffeteria, then 5k.  This is to honor the memory of Rock Thrill’s brother and raise money for Keystone Substance Abuse Services in York County.  Discount for F3 – only $20.

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Purple Haze
11 years ago

Hops…nice lead this morning brother. It was a subtle but deliberate annihilation of the shoulders, with a very cruel call for CDDs following the backwards bear crawl ascent up North Face. Add in the wall walkers and it seems we spent most of this workout inverted…thank goodness you didn’t seal the deal with BTWs. #facefracture

The plank-o-rama was unsavory following all that shoulder work. My left arm was shaking so much during the Balboa plank, I thought my ulna may actually snap in two.

Thanks for giving me “credit” among the Pax for simply reminding you of an idea that’s been percolating in your head for weeks now. I find myself now seeking everyone’s forgiveness.

Reply to  Purple Haze
11 years ago

Ulna would have been a good name for Radar’s kid.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Tiger-Rag
11 years ago

Ulna does have a ring of old school Southern charm.

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