Kevlar Backblast – One Year with F3

Kevlar Backblast – One Year with F3

Aye! 23 pax jumped into the Kevlar gloom on Friday for an early AM workout. I was excited to Q as this marked my one year anniversary with F3. It was a great time leading the pax and there was a solid effort by all.

I started things out with a brief discussion of how F3 has been such an important part of my life this past year. All three F’s in my life have been improved and F3 brothers have helped me through a lot this year – from personal challenges to the GRC 707 welcome party. Thank you.

The Thang
As some of you know, I like to run so we started of with a little baby jog around part of the school to an open area for COP.

– SSH x 25
– Squats x 25
– Merkins x 20
– Imperial Walker x 20

Jog to entrance to Covenant Day School and partner up.
P1: begin running road around school
P2: Merkins x 10, then run to catch P1
Flapjack and continue alternating until all the way around school.

Bulldog requested “Bearkin crawls” so we made our weay to the parking lot
– Bearkin crawl up hill to sidewalk (Bearkin is bear crawl with merkin every three steps)
At top do LBCs x 20 and jog back down
– Repeato with LBC x 25 at top
– Repeato but alternate between forward and backward crawl up the hill (don’t forget the merkins)
Note, knees never hit ground while you rotate from forward to backward (harder than it sounds)
LBC x 20 and jog back down

Mosey to lower parking lot
P1: Alternating sets of LBCs and Squats
P2: Run lap around school (wide lap Bulldog!)

Mosey back to launch area and pick up weights for Hairburners
– Split pax into two groups and did hairburners back and forth along fire lane
– Each pax did two rounds of hairburners
YHC hated these!

Mosey to field for wheelbarrels, bear crawls with partner


– Not the hardest workout I have done but a great effort by all the pax and appreciate folks indulging me to lead and celebrate my 1 year with F3.
– I tried to mix things up and included hairburners because they made me spill merlot at my first F3 bootcamp style workout.  As far as YHC is concerned, they can be locked away forever!
– We had some potential issues with a place to do the hairburners but thanks to Tiger Rag’s persistance, we got the fire lane. I guess a thank you is in order.

– F3 Charlotte South Christmas Party on December 7. Check weekly email for details.
– Spring Mud Run sign ups are going on now.

1 Year with F3:
Just a quick thank you to F3 Nation for being such an important part of my life. Over the ;last year, I have made friendships with men that I never would have otherwise. Many of these men are some of my closest friends now. I know that I can count on F3 brothers to support me in whatever I do.  All men need this and I am blessed to have found this in F3.  First F – my fitness is as good as it has ever been. F3 has also introduced me to CSAUP things like GORUCK and BRR. Second F – as said previoulsy, friendships I have made and the fellowship opportunities afforded by F3 have made my life richer. Third F – MOST IMPORTANTLY – my faith has grown tremendously the past year and F3 is a big reason for that. You sum all this up and F3 is a group of men that I want to be a part of and never want to let down. Thank you brothers for all you do. Iron sharpens iron… Aye!


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Dolphin author

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10 years ago

Aye. Strong year. More #CSAUP and good livin’ ahead, brother.

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