29 Degrees outside, cold iron Kettle Bells, wet grass and the Launch of a new Gear Site drew out of the fartsack 5 men that were on a mission…Complete annihilation of just about every muscle group in the body. Strangely enough, there was a 6th man that beat us down, coming off the bench…Jack Frost!
The Thang:
¼ mile run around the school – just to wake us up and avoid
Warm-up to “Enter Sandman” by Metallica 5:32
Q brought something from old wrestling days
5 Minutes of Jogging in place and Q called out “down” – PAX had to drop flat down to stomach and Pop back up as quickly as possible x 50 (alternating rolling left and right intermittently)
SSH x 20
Burpee Squat Thrusts w. KB x 5
Figure 8 with KB x 30
Burpee Squat Thrusts w. KB x 5
Good Mornings w. KB x 30
Burpee Squat Thrusts w. KB x 5
Arm Circles Forward/ Backward x 40
Burpee Squat Thrusts w. KB x 5
Catch me if you can – P1 Fireman Carry 2 KB’s, P2 Merkins x 10; Flapjack
1000 Rep Challenge – Partners cumulative rep counting per round
Round 1. P1 Overhead Press x. KB; P2 Lap around track; rinse and repeat until 200 reps
Round 2. P1 Upright Rows x. KB; P2 Bear Crawl 30 yards, sprint back; rinse and repeat until 200 reps
Round 3. P1 Dolly w. KB Press; P2 Lap around track; rinse and repeat until 200 reps
Round 4. P1 Bent-Over Rows w. KB; P2 Sprint 100 yards; rinse and repeat until 200 reps
Round 5. P1 Bicep Curls w. KB; P2 Sprint 100 yards; rinse and repeat until 100 reps
Round 6. P1 Tricep Curls w. KB; P2 Sprint 100 yards; rinse and repeat until 100 reps
TOTAL Reps: 1,000 (not counting any reps from COP or other work during the hour)
Merkins x 15
Goblet Squat
Merkins x 14
Goblet Squat x 2
Merkins x 13
Goblet Squat x 3
Merkins x 12
Goblet Squat x 5
Merkins x 11
Goblet Squat x 10
Merkins x 10
TUG OF WAR 50 Foot Rope 1.5” thick– 3 rounds, winning team assesses penalty on losing team
Team 1: The Hoff and Mighty Mite (total team weight 450LBS)
Team 2: Gullah, Alf and Yankee (total team weight 540LBS)
Round 1 winner: Team 2
Round 2 winner: Team 1
Round 3 winner: Team2
Penalty: 20 Burpees for Team 1; 10 Burpees for Team 2 (even though they went ahead and did 20 anyway) – nice work!
LBC x 40
With a new site launch happening on a Saturday morning at 29 degrees outside, the fartsack was an excellent option for sure. T-Claps all around to the guys that helped launch Olympus. It was nice to run a Q where the whole group was not only keeping up, but making the Q’s look bad on a few occasions – Yankee, Alf and MM you guys are beasts! Thank you for being a part of our new site launch and hope to see each of you there in the future.
As for Jack Frost – it would be nice if you stayed away a while. MM was wearing fingerless gloves, mine were wet from the dew and others were as well…made for a really tough routine holding a frozen iron bell.
As always, it’s an honor to be able to work with you guys! On behalf of Gullah and myself, we owe you some ACRT (Advanced Cellular Repair Technology aka.. Beers) soon!
The Hoff and Gullah
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