23 men, all accounted for, rolled into Charlotte Catholic HS to find the Q had some implements to help with the weekend downpainment.
The Thang:
Grap either a jump rope or bricks and jog to parking lot for warm up
Jog to bottom of Little Ave. Pax with jump ropes start jumping while Pax with bricks run to top of Little Ave and back while watching out for cars – busiest road in Charlotte at 5:45am. Flap-jack and repeat for two rounds.
Jog to school entrace for some alternating jumping rope and circuit work. Bear crawl/lunge walk up ramp, crap walk down patio, balls to the wall walk. Flap jack with jump ropers. Short plank while PAX finished up.
Jog to parking lot for some jump rope and sprint work. Partner 1 sprints down to light pole with bricks and back while partner 2 jumps rope. Switch and then repeat, increasing each round to next light pole for a total of four rounds (parking lot is longer than it appears in the mirror).
A few minutes of mary (all X20) – Flutter, Dolly, High Flutter, Rosalita
Naked Moleskin
Q figured it would be a nice mix to have bricks and jump rope given the comments about the bricks from my last outing. The pax can blame my ten year older daughter – she loaded the bricks in my truck last night with a wicked smile on her face.
I don’t think the picture I found is Runstopper but can someone confirm. His son was skipping rope much faster than pops but the picture is of a much older man.
Centurion is becoming the young man’s hang-out. Even with WD MY Shirona in the pax we still had an average age under 40. Just glad he keeps showing up. However, I’m getting hoarse from yelling hate during COT.
Abacus must have done an extra round of the sprints since a Chepul never comes in last. That or he just picked the wrong partner.
Shout out to Stoli for making the long drive down from North Country. He has been a great co-worker for two years as you cannot find a more dedicated and hard working individual. Typical F3 man. My company will miss him but I’m glad he has an opporunity to advance at employer that is much closer to his home.
Thanks to Hops for taking us out
Watch out for announcement on upcoming 5k race and convergence in Fort Mill. Rock Thrill is the Q (I guess)
Tutoring continues at Billingsville and AG Middle School
Purple Haze continues to lead some 2nd and 3rd F at Panera after Centurion every Friday
Need some new Q’s for Centurion. Time for some Hates/Hate Hates to step up.
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