No Mudding, No Running, Still Painful

No Mudding, No Running, Still Painful

14 PAX showed up at The Matrix to celebrate Christopher Columbus swindling the Queen of Spain out of a boat some 521 years ago.  After Saturday’s Mud Run YHC kept this one clean and with limited running – save for an Indian Run to honor the locals Columbus found when he arrived.

The Thang:

  • SSH x25
  • Squats x25
  • IW x25
  • Merkins x25
  • Burpees x10

Mosey to playground:

  • Pull Up’s x10
  • Carolina Dry Docks x20
  • Dips x30
  • Plankorama
  • Repeat

Turkish Indian Run – guy in the back carries the KB.  Drops for 1 turkish get up.  Hands off bell to last guy and runs to front.

Grab a partner and head to the wall.

  • P1:  Sit on the wall, P2: Merkins.  200 Merkins per team, one man must be on the wall at all times.  Rotate as needed.
  • P1:  Forearm plank, P2:  Lunges.  200 Lunges per team, one man in the plank at all times.  Rotate as needed.
  • P1:  Balls to wall, P2:  Burpees.  50 Burpees per team, one man balls to the wall at all times, Rotate as needed.

Solid effort and teamwork here, PAX was very quiet and very gassed.

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

  • LBC x25
  • Flutter x25
  • Dolly x25
  • Russian twist x9 – YHC form and count fell apart on this one
  • Burpee’s x10 OYO to round out the morning


Was good to see the PAX pushing hard to failure on the combination of static and dynamic exercises.  The combination of the lunges and forearm planks was a far bigger leg burn than YHC anticipated.  Good times.


Fraggle:  Billy Graham celebrates his 95th birthday with a televised special on Nov. 7.

Thanks for taking us out Salt Lick



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Alf author

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Salt Lick
Salt Lick
11 years ago

Good job today Alf. Sore after taking a couple of weeks off…

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