400s all around

400s all around

10 pax sat around to enjoy some 2nd F for 16 minutes early Tuesday morning (in between a few runs of course)

The Thang

Warm-up: Mosey to field, COP

  • 20x SSH
  • 20x Alternating leg lunges
  • 20x Jump squats
  • 20x IWs

Mile run around track, moderate pace

Main Event: 8x 400m intervals; Run 400m at 90-100% effort; 2 min rest in between runs.

One lap, moderate pace cool-down around track

Mosey up to parking lot; COT


  • A bit crowded out there on the track with our RFYL sorority sisters.  Luckily no collisions, despite the massive speed differential.
  • Nice opportunity for some 2nd F with a full 2min in between intervals.  Originally planned for 90 sec between intervals, but went with 2 min expecting some pax to take longer than others.   Most pax were very close together!  Great job by all… we’ll definitely shorten rest times between intervals next time.
  • YHC had some technical difficulties with the timing on the first 400 so the count was off and was gently corrected that his interval count was under;  however upon further reflection YHC still believes that we may have been short 1 interval – Is YHC just delirious or was there a conspiracy among the pax?
  • Welcome FNG Flutie Flakes – you picked a good one for your first workout.  Hope to see you out there again soon
  • Great effort out there by all today
  • Joker on Q for next week’s


None; quiet group today

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Turkey Leg author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

Why so much down time? We did 800’s with 1 minute rest right after the BRR. Of course, I left about 5 guys on the track so maybe it wasn’t such a great idea and 400’s are better.

High Tide
10 years ago

A variation on sprint intervals that I’ve used at Ascent calls for 8 rounds of: 30 second sprints and 90 second recovery (walk or slow jog, user choice). It then lasts for exactly 16 minutes. You become pretty gassed by the last 2 or 3 rounds, as you go all out during the sprints. This also evens-out the speed differences among the PAX, since everyone sprints :30 seconds, rather than a set distance. You may call out the times, to run or rest, or use a whistle.

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