Ascent – It isn’t easy, just easier…than the Day Zero challenge

Ascent – It isn’t easy, just easier…than the Day Zero challenge

We had at least 2 pax representing at the Young Life mud run today (great job Tides, can’t wait to hear the report) and the rest of the 7 brave souls (we were so brave that we bravely ran away away, bravely ran away away (extra credit if you get the reference) from the Day Zero challenge) posted at Ascent, including 2 FNG’s who proved they were pull up beasts for:

Jog around the baseball field


IW x 20

Mtn Climbers x 15

Butt Kickers x 15

Low Slow Squats x 15

Merkins x 15

SSH x 20

CDD’s x 15


Partner up:

Wheelbarrow to marker, flapjack back

Bear crawl to marker, crabwalk back

Broad Jump to marker, backwards jog back

Plank it up when complete

Jack Webb to at least 5


Mosey to Baseball area for:

People’s Chair x 30 sec x 2

Step up/jump ups on bleachers x 10

Dips x 15

Squats x 10 (low slow)

Burpees x 5

Plank it up and repeat

Jog round baseball field to playground

With Partner: AMRAP +2 Pulls ups x 3

CDD’s in between x 10


Set of:

Derkins x 10

LBC x 10

Burpees x 5



Mosey to field for:


Prairie Fire Mary x 8

Reverse LBC’s x 8

Flutter x 15

Dolly x 18

Russian Twist x 8

Heels to Heaven x 8

Elbow Plank x 2

Reverse Plank x 2

Improv with partner track work for:

partner 1 merkins to 80, partner 2 1 lap, repeat until done

partner 1 lunges to 100, partner 2 1 lap, repeat until done

all pax do 1 lap (audible by Slim Fast)

20 CDD’s in cadence to end it off


Had some seriously strong effort out there today, YHC felt like he wasn’t able to keep the tempo as high as would have liked but the pax suffered through anyway.  Our two FNG’s David R and Kurt P were pull up beasts, on the amrap + 2 we weren’t sure if they were going to stop and do the +2 piece, strong work guys, good to see you out here, see you again in the gloom.  Pele claimed at the end that he had a tough time but it sure looked like progress to me (the workouts don’t get easier my friend, you don’t feel better either, but you do get stronger 🙂  ).  We had Bourbon out there and YHC is pretty certain that there was 100% effort at all times, this due to the sheer volume of grunting noise coming from that direction, whatever it takes!  Showing up before 7, as it right before, was Passport, throwing the brand new ruck on and putting in a couple of bricks as he was running off with the pax, wearing it throughout (minus the pull ups, that would be silly).  Slim Fast is likely up for a name change to something like Go Fast but that will have to be covered at another workout.  All in all, we had a great effort in some beautiful gloom.  The sad clown with the personal trainer couldn’t figure out what we were up to but YHC is pretty sure the trainer wasn’t too pleased with the invite extended to join the pax.

Great send off by Slim Fast, thanks for the reminder of why we are here and how we can serve in the rest of the day!


Sign up for Thunder Road, seriously come on guys, it can’t be that hard (but I’ll confirm once I’ve done it), 49’er on Q for Area 51

Base Camp on Monday’s, new Friday workout at Charlotte Christian on Fridays,


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Strange Brew author

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11 years ago

Brave Sir Robin – who bravely turned his tail and ran. Brave, Brave, Brave Brave Sir Robin. Monty Python – Holy Grail. Strong reference Brew.

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