8 men set off into the late September gloom to face the challenge of another Devil’s Turn. Each man chose his own challenge for the day. Speed work, boot camp, or steady burn running – whatever floats your boat. Devil’s Turn has it all.
The Thang:
– Everyone launched together from Greenway parking at 5:15 am.
– Run 2 miles out to S. Charlotte Middle School track
– At the track, there were 3-Options:
1) 4-mile folks: 15 min of boot camp (Q: Bratwurst, PAX: Bratwurst – sorry man for the lonely minutes stuck listening to time tick by – literally)
2) 6-mile folks wanting speed work (Q: HB – Q’ed it but didn’t do it, PAX:TL, Haggis, Brisket, MM):
3) 6-mile folks out for a cruise: 8 laps at desired pace (Q: none needed, PAX: HB, Zip, SB)
– Run 2 miles back to parking lot for COT.
– To remedy last week’s issue of not having each person’s lap times, YHC brought some technology to the track this week. Thanks goes to the M for letting me borrow the iPad for the morning. Everyone seemed to like the visible (and audible) lap times except for Bratwurst who was doing calisthenics listening to an announcement of the time every 5 seconds. Sorry bro!
– The speed demons were taking the Devil’s Track Work very seriously this morning posting some very respectable times. It sounded as though Haggis had the quickest time at 1:10 but Turkey Leg, Brisket, and MM were only 2 – 3 seconds behind. I also heard rumor that Bratwurst took a break from core work to take a lap allegedly faster than any other PAX could fathom. However, those rumors could not be fully substantiated by YHC since I was in gentle cruise mode today due to the Tuesday SIB thrashing administered by the same Bratwurst.
– YHC broke the cardinal rule of Q’ing today. YHC Q’ed something he did not do. However, in my defense, someone had to do the count down and start the clock. So that is my story and I am sticking to it.
– Overall, it was a great day in the gloom. YHC personally enjoyed the 2nd F to and from the track and as always, it was a pleasure to workout alongside such a great group of men.
– If you are “partially ripped” and have 3 weeks of evenings to stand in an opera, see http://f3nation.com/2013/09/25/help-wanted-must-be-at-least-partially-ripped/ for an opportunity made for you. Mighty Mite seemed very eager so you better hurry before he takes your spot.
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