Here’s a story, of a lovely lady

Here’s a story, of a lovely lady

The shovel flag was planted as 29 pax (including 3 FNG’s) posted on a cool, crisp morning at Death Valley.


Warmup lap around the parking lot and down to the baseball field.


  • 10 Burpees
  • SSH x 25
  • 9 Burpees
  • IW x 25
  • 8 Burpees
  • Slow Deep Squats x 25
  • 7 Burpees
  • Merkins x 15
  • 6 Burpees
  • Wide arm merkins x 15
  • 5 Burpees
  • Staggered arm merkins (R) x 15
  • 4 Burpees
  • Staggered arm merkins (L) x 15
  • 3 Burpees
  • Firkins (finger tip merkins) x 10
  • 2 Burpees
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 10
  • 1 Burpee


That’s enough of that.  Migrate over to the bleachers.

Circuit work:

  • 15 Supine pull-ups
  • 20 Dips
  • 25 LBC’s
  • Rinse and repeat


Jog over to the track and partner up

  • Partner 1 runs a lap
  • Partner 2 flutter kicks until partner returns
  • Flapjacks
  • Rinse and repeat, replacing flutter kicks with Dolly’s


Mosey over to the neatly lined football field and circle up


Ring of Fire:

  • 1 pax runs around the outside of circle when everyone else does AMRAP of called exercize.
  • Runner calls the exercise
  • Exercises ranged from merkins, LBC’s, burpees, CDD, HTH, lunges, man-makers, and many more
  • Great variety of exercises chosen by the group
  • Finish the ring of fire with 10 final burpees OYO



  • There’s nothing like a burpee ladder in COP.  Throw in some merkins in between and YHC is truly smoked.  At a couple points, I thought my arms might give out during the merkins.
  • Before the workout, Salt Lick announces that he would not do any burpees due to a back problem.  Hearing this, I told him he might be kind of bored.  Then he said he would replace burpees with merkins.  That must have been an extra painful COP for Salt Lick.  Sorry man. 
  • The ring of fire brought out some creativity from the pax, although not at first.  Merkins were called by 3 out of the first 7 guys…you know we have other exercises we can do, right.  YHC heard tons of mumblechatter during the ring of fire.  It was fun to hear the pax call an exercise to inflict pain on his brothers.  You will see this again soon.
  • FNG One Night Stand announced at COT that he didn’t know any other exercises to call in the ring of fire, so he said burpees.  #unsavory
  • Probably the best moment of the morning happened in COT.  FNG ***** announced himself as Tom Brady then Brady Bunch.  I can’t remember who, but someone said no, he’s an FNG…trying to name himself (or at least throw out ideas).  In sticking with the Brady Bunch theme, he was very quickly named Marsha.
  • Welcome to the 3 FNG’s this morning.  Good work out there, hope to see you back out soon.
  • Thanks for coming out to Death Valley.  It’s always a pleasure to lead such a strong group.



  • HDHH tonight – 6 pm at Vintner Wine Market and The Lodge.
  • New Friday workout, Joust, starts this Friday (0530-0615) at Charlotte Christian School.  Stone Cold is the site Q.
  • Area 51 3rd F workouts Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Check website, twitter and/or weekly email for details.

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11 years ago

I was there. That was an awesome workout. I’m exhausted from all of those burpees. Wait, that was just a dream.

11 years ago

Not a fun one to come back to w a bad back. When those last 10 burpees were called, you all truly did those OYO.

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