Flapjacks anyone?

Flapjacks anyone?

(…posted on behalf of Iron Horse)

8 brave men posted at SPEARHEAD fearing the return of the Tunnel of Love. Instead YHC had breakfast prepared…

The Thang:

COP Warmup:

[Rucks ON]
– 20 Merkins OYO

Mosey to Soccer Field for COP
[Rucks OFF]

– 10 Burpees OYO
– SSH x 20
– 10 Spartan Burpees OYO
– IW x 20
– 10 Burpees OYO
– Mountain Climber x 20
– 10 Spartan Burpees OYO
– LBC x 20

[Rucks ON]
Mosey to Sideline.


Partner-up – size doesn’t matter (the number of bricks in your partner’s Ruck does)

P1 Bear Crawl across field to opposite sideline –call out Return; Lunge Walk back.
P2 Overhead Standing Ruck Press until P1 calls return, then Squat while P1 returns
Rinse and Repeat (2X).

P1 Farmer Carry with both Rucks to opposite sideline –call out Return; Farmer Walk back.
P2 Non-stop Merkin with Planks for rest
Rinse and Repeat (2X).

P1 Walk with Ruck overhead to opposite sideline –call out Return; Backward run with Ruck on Front for return.
P2 LBC until P1 calls return. Flutter Kick while P1 returns.
Rinse and Repeat (2X).

Ski Abs x 15

Mosey to Parking Lot



It was an honor lead the PAX for my first Q at SPEARHEAD – thanks for opportunity. Awesome performance this morning men – although the amount of casual mumblechatter during the morning leads YHC to think he needs to up his game for the next Q.

The first appearance of the shovel-and-flag makes SPEARHEAD official.

The PAX believes BTB had a literal ride in the fartsack this morning as he was already complaining of a pre-workout TBQ last night due to hot wings and beer (or the anticipation of YHC’s workout?). The Hoff promised to pack his ruck with extra TP for an indian run into the woods but it was not enough to coax BTB to join.

Motivated again by our esteemed elder, Angler, who continues to show his ageless endurance.

Good reminder by Dora during the Ball-of-Man to remember all our brothers in the BRR this weekend – safety and God’s speed.

About the author

Dora author

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BTB (Bob The Builder)
BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

So sorry I missed this morning – and it was not due to the hot wings and beer. I had a blackberry alarm malfunction – aka it didn’t make any noise.

I HATE that I missed the debut of the shovel flag and the “official” hard launch of SPEARHEAD. We are doing something great here guys, we have some strong leaders in this group. I am honored to be a part of it!

The Hoff
11 years ago

Great work Iron Horse today. Very well thought out routine and thank you for letting us get a jump on the daily Merkins!

Big League Chew
11 years ago

Iron Horse you mopped the floor up with me today. I had nothing but ZZZZ’s for the Rock’s birthday party.

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