Homeless Guy Weinke

Homeless Guy Weinke

(On behalf of Mermaid and Tiger Rag)

As the shovel flag flew in the early morning breeze, 17 men, including 2 FNGs, set off into the gloom for another #F3DayZero beatdown.  Mermaid had the first half for his virgin Q. Tiger Rag had the second half for his 117th Q.  Both brought the pain.

The Thang

Mermaid Q:

Baby jog around the McAlpine track, stopping five times along the way for 15 merkins.

Run back up to the parking lot in front of the school for COP:

  • Burpees – 15 OYO
  • SSHs – 30 cadence
  • IWs – 20 cadence
  • Burpees – 15 OYO
  • Merkins – 15 cadence
  • Squats – 15 cadence

Mosey to the benches in front of the school.  Partner up (size does not matter) and follow the homeless guy weinke.  Partner 1 – run around perimeter of front parking lot; Partner 2 – perform outlined exercises; flapjack.

  • Round 1 – 10 dips, 10 decline merkins
  • Round 2 – 15 LBCs, 15 squats
  • Round 3 – 10 step ups (each leg), 5 burpees
  • Round 4 – 15 incline merkins, 15 SSHs

Decline plank-o-rama – right leg up, left leg up, six inches, right leg up, left leg up.

50 LBCs, then run to the side of the school for some people’s chair – regular, right leg up, left leg up, repeat. Finish Mermaid’s Q with 50 more LBCs.

Tiger Rag Q:

Mosey to the rails for some plank rail slides followed by a backward bear crawl up the ramp underneath the rail slide tunnel.

Mosey down to the basketball court and circle up for some Mary:

  • Hold six inches until all Pax arrive
  • One-legged flutter – 10 cadence
  • Other-legged flutter – 10 cadence
  • Flutter – 10 cadence
  • One-legged dolly – 10 cadence
  • Other-legged dolly – 10 cadence
  • Dolly – 10 cadence
  • Stop motion LBC – as many as the Q wanted to do
  • Stop motion flutter – as many as the Q wanted to do
  • Stop motion dolly – as many as the Q wanted to do

Mosey to the far side of the track, line it up along the sideline for sprint-o-rama (all timed):

  • Sprint from sideline to sideline and back – 40 seconds; repeat
  • Lunge walk for first 10 seconds, sprint to sideline and back – 30 seconds; repeat
  • Backward lunge walk for first 10 seconds, sprint to sideline and back – 30 seconds; repeat
  • Side lunge walk for first 10 seconds, sprint to sideline and back – 30 seconds
  • Other side lunge walk for first 10 seconds, sprint to sideline and back – 30 seconds
  • Sprint all the way to wall and back – 2 minutes
  • Suicide run to sideline and back then to wall and back – 2 minutes

Mosey to parking lot for COT.


  • Mermaid broke the seal on his virgin Q right from the start with the #merkinblast…75 in the first few minutes of the workout during the baby jog around the McAlpine track.  Then he showed he meant business in the COP with a very nonchalant call for 15 burpees on your own.
  • After the first round of burpees, he finally did cut us some slack with some SSHs…check that, slow-motion SSHs.
  • After the mosey to the front of the school for some partner pain station work, Mermaid revealed the exercises he had written on a cutout of a cardboard box.  It looked eerily similar to something a homeless guy would hold up, leaving many of the Pax wondering if the other side said “Will work for Food”.
  • With Mermaid’s blatant attack on the upper body, we were left to anticipate the typical Tiger Rag leg annihilation.  However, he threw us a curve ball early in the count and we didn’t get the bat off our shoulders.  It started with the rail slides and the aerial view of the backward bear crawls up the ramp they provided.
  • Then we just laid on our backs for an incessant and unrelenting amount of Mary.  All the one-legged and stop-motion exercises tested our coordination…and our resolve. #washboard
  • But then it came…the running. And more running.  Timed interval sprints. Throw in some lunge walks…and backward lunge walks…and side lunge walks.  Except for Fletch, we all got slower with each sprint…but all the Pax finished strong.
  • Welcome to our FNGs…Astro and Dory.


  • New Friday GRC workout #F3Spearhead – The Hoff made another paid announcement for this…Dora is paying him $5 for each endorsement…and $10 for each person he recruits to the site.  Gullah – make sure you get a cut.
  • New Thursday workout launches this week at Polo Ridge Elementary…Spackler and Crabcake on Q for #F3RebelYell
  • New 3rdF workouts launching in a couple of weeks…#F3Aftermath on Wednesday 9/4 0630 at Starbucks Piper Glen with Skywalker and Busch and #F3TheStand on Friday 9/13 0630 at Panera Carmel Commons with Champagne and Purple Haze.
  • #BRR training run launching from the ABC store at the Arboretum at 0630 tomorrow morning.  Some of the A51 BRR guys are running the hills in Raintree and on Providence.  Any and all A51 Pax who want to join are welcome.



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Purple Haze author

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The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Yeah, up to about $100 dollars now!
Great routine today Q’s and TR, you never disappoint. That core routine was complete insanity.
Next week, if you have a kettle bell, bring it. We will have KB stations set up and I’ve got 5 accounted for already.

Big League Chew
10 years ago

Hey were’s my cut?
I saw you were on Q so I posted at Arrowhead.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x