21 pax converged on Hydra for a usual dose of work out and were joined by 73-year old marathoner dubbed greyhound. The beat down goes something like this.
The Thang:
1 X lap around track, 25 merkins, 1 burpee
rinse and repeat
Circle up in field:
SSH x 40
merkin x 15
IW x 20
wide merkin x 10
MC x 20
diamond merkin x 10
mason twist x 20
merkin x 15
burpees x 20
merkin x 10
Form a Line – Indian Run to Harris Teeter (.75 miles)
merkins x 50
burpees x 10
Form a Line – Indian Run back to OP (.75 miles)
merkins x 50
Plank for 3 minutes – Left, Right, 6 inches
Partner up – Prairie Fire Mary (10L, 10C, 10R) – flapjack
Partner up – 50 yard drag across field there and back – rotate as needed
Mosey to playground:
pullups x 15
situps x 20
jump squats x 20
Mosey to parking lot – job well done boys, all finished
- Calling all mall cops? Last I heard mall cop was going to run into Hydra today and run back to get his miles in. I guess he got himself lost in the tricky neighborhood streets or decided he would get his beauty sleep this fine Thursday morning.
- Donkey Kong, one of our fearless leaders, remains on IR as he continues to recover from his running into a dog, or a ram, or a bear – whatever large and fast creature it was that challenged him to a match. Anyway, we did burpees in honor of DK today as he recovers. Get well buddy!
- Welcome back to Zima, off the IR, and ready for more Hydra. He even brought his neighbor, 73-years young who we named Greyhound. Strong post Zima and Greyhound.
- Excellent running today by many of the pax. Fletch and Frazier continue to blaze trails, and Gecko, Blitzen, and Hops showed some serious wheels as well. Others were flying by in blur style in the darkness so probably more names I should be mentioning for turning up the speed dial. Nice job to entire pax and to Long Distance, Fillmont, Greyhound for making the 1.5 mile indian run trip. Oh, can’t forget to call out Radar for attempting to run me over every sprint to front. I did say boogey to the front, but geez Radar.
- Fillmont showed off a signature move, or sign, during the name -o-rama. One would think he is a member of some strange tribe, gang, or band of brothers – oh wait, he fits in just fine with this group we call F3.
- Rumor has it that the Girls of Ballantyne (GOB) are calling the Fast Twitchers, Fast “twits”. This is locker posting material and will seemingly add to the challenge next Tuesday in the GOB vs Twitch races
- Updated to include 50 merkins and 10 more burpees (thanks Hops and Champagne)
- HDHH – hump day happy hour official launch at the Lodge was a success last night with 17 pax posting. Every Wednesday 6 PM, HDHH at either Vinters at Arboretum or Lodge at Colony Place. Come out of the gloom and socialize for a couple of hours. Get some good conversation on and relax. We are halfway through our work week!
- Come out to a run at whitewater center. Family friendly. September 28, 2013 WWW.YLmudrun.COM
- Two 3rd F work outs starting after labor day (Wed & Fridays) – launching Friday the 13th of Sept
- Good prayer send off by Hops and pax prayers to family of Dolphin for loss of his mother in law
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