$10 Haircut

$10 Haircut

Eight souls braved the gloom and got wet and wild at Matrix Monday morning.

 Jog to back parking lot for “Circle of Pain”

 1. 10 Burpees

2. Arm circles (preparing shoulders for pain to come)

3. Windmills x20

4. Side straddle hop x30

5. Imperial Walker x30

 Jog to playground for circuit

 1. 5 Sets Rotate each exercise counting down:

    a. Pull ups 10-8-6-4-2 (partner assist)

    b. Merkins 30-24-18-12-6

    c. Jump Squat 30-24-18-12-6

 2. Jog to far end of school for wall work:

    – 90 second wall sit

    – 60 second hand stand on wall

    – 90 second wall sit

    – 45 second hand stand on wall

    – 90 second wall sit

 3. Partnered up

    a. perform 50 low squats as team ; alternating partner sprints 100 yards

    b. perform 50 diamond merkins as team; “  “

    c. partner wheelbarrow race for 50 yards each partner

 4. Jog back to parking lot for Ab Work

    – mason twists x40

    – dollies x20

    – reverse LBC x20

    – back scratchers x20

    – 10 burpees

    – LBC x30

    – protractor (to the last second!)

We worked it hard despite the small crowd. Zippity was his usual chatty self, and with his new $10 haircut he was looking especially sharp this morning [editorial comment added by Joker]. Well deserved respect goes to those who braved the rain instead of staying in bed!

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Joker author

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10 years ago

Great beat down today Cottontail!!!! Joker it was $13+ tip brother. “Z” sold his brittney belly shirt on Ebay to make a few quick pesos so he could upgrade from the $10 bowl haircut in mom’s kitchen to the $13 (+tip) buzz from Great Clips at the nearby strip mall.

And oh yeah, the the leftover pesos post haircut/tip went to uber use, the scalp massage and PEDI were magical!!!!! #donthatemebecauseimbeautiful!!!!

10 years ago

Ah zip… #weloveyacauseyournot

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