Fitties, not Fifteens

Fitties, not Fifteens

Dangerous start to the day, left the iphone alarm on vibrate, almost sabotaged myself and fartsacked my own Q.   I’m sure that would have made Bulldog’s weekend.  

The Thang:

Quick COP

20 SSH

20 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to entrance, run a half mile-ish lap at fellowship pace.

Back to entrance, same lap with pit stops.

1 – 50 Merkins

2 – 50 Squats

3 – 50 Carolina Dry Docks

4 – 50 Lunges 25/leg

5 – 100 LBC’s

6 – 50 Mountain Climbers

7 –   50 Wide Arm Merkins

8 – 100 or 99 as Fletch called me out, calf raises, in out middle x 33 per.

Mosey back over to the soccer field for some tire work, tires are locked, audible time….

Partner up

First exercise: Partner 1 Dolly’s while partner 2 runs gassers full field and back, flapjack and repeat.

Second Exercise: Partner 1 burpees, partner 2 run, Flapjack, no repeato. #ihateburpees

Third exercise: Partner 1 bear crawl to midfield and back while partner 2 LBC’s, Flapjack, repeat.

Head to wall for People’s Chair, stay with your partner.

Partner 1 People’s Chair, partner 2 lunge walk,

Partner 1 BTW, Partner 2 sprint, flapjack and repeat.

6 Minutes of Mary (in cadence)

Flutter x 20

Mountain Climbers x 20

Rosalita x 20

Merkins x 20

Call to Stone Cold for last exercise…….bad move, Burpees x 10 on your own.


Thank you guys for letting me lead this group of beasts today.  If you haven’t noticed I’m moving towards a little mud run training, doing bench press with The Hoff in the basement of some shady office building will not help, running might.  A little jogging was nice in this 62 degree fall morning in the middle of August.  Reports of EARLY merlot spillage (lap 2) were reported but not verified. #brushyourteeth.  The cool weather and exhilerating exercises led Big League to some vertical honeymooners in the holly bush during the calf raises.  Thanks for the material Big League!  That bush by the church sign will never be the same.  Hope you guys have a great weekend and thanks again.



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Bananas author

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10 years ago

Did anyone get to 100 calf raises, or 99 even before Q got bored with the exercise and aborted? Well, that and after everyone took in the show over by the holley bush starring BLC.

All kidding aside, great lead today “B” and way to bring the pain. Impressive on the called audible after realizing you lost Tiger Rags key to the lock that chained the tires.

You hid your mud run training well. I EH’d Deadwood last night to come out this morning by saying BD was out of town, big “B” was on Q so the cardio should be limited. Bad call by Zip and note to self: #fearthechiquita! It won’t happen again my brother I promise.

Great job by ALL.

Hair Band
10 years ago

Knowing how the workouts/Q’s always vary I figured we would not run as much as we did last week with Busch on Q… So much for that theory.

Good Hands
10 years ago

Zip – I think I got to 92 on the calf raises, would have gotten to 100 had I not been laughing about Big League’s bush honeymooners!

Great Q today Bananas, pain well administered.

Big League Chew
10 years ago

What can I say…I was in the mood.

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